And I like the bearded me way more. I feel I’m a pre evolution bald monkey when I get rid of them from time to time, at least it gets better after a week.
And I like the bearded me way more. I feel I’m a pre evolution bald monkey when I get rid of them from time to time, at least it gets better after a week.
Cassette decks allowed you to record directly from the radio! You could leave a tape in and make an ultimate mix tape over the course of a week, you had to be fast though or you would miss the first seconds of your songs.
You want a tape with nothing but ABBAs Dancing Queen on repeat? Boom it could be done!
Making CDs was an easier process but you you couldn’t make a mix while driving to work anymore. Now you just throw a list together on your digital storage device or streaming device… even easier but not fun at all. Young kids will never know the pure joy when you made a mix tape or mix CD for someone and they loved it and made you one back.
Back then if you make someone a mix tape without being asked you’re saying “you rock my world” now if you share your Spotify list without being asked you’re saying “your music is not as cool as mine so here try this.”
Young and sweet only 17.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this in a lol ok boomer way. I definitely remember recording off the radio onto a tape and just putting up with the inane dj banter on either end of the song. It just made me laugh that you went for that and not alcohol
I’m with ya. I went with music bc in the places that restrict explicit lyrics it’s 16 years old or 18. Booze is 21 down here.
I’m a millennial
Cassettes are definetly underrated. It’s interesting, at the moment I’m trying to burn a couple of CDs, so I can play more music for my CD player in my car while at work. Keep struggling with it though since the burn program seems very picky about what music files it uses.
And cassettes are making a comeback. Still very few units sold, but nevertheless they’re on the rise. I know a few guys who started collecting cassettes in the last few years.
Decided to shave my head. Don’t really have a lot of hair anyway so it wasn’t that big a deal. But still kind of happy with the outcome:
Shaved head gang, rise up!
Congrats! Only an involved citizenship will drive progress.
Huh I thought Canada had compulsory voting turns out I was wrong. But congratulations on helping expedite Erin O’Tool’s (hopefully) eventual defeat.
Compulsory in the sense that my mother would be Upset if I didn’t vote I guess…
I hear that
Just a distraction from us ever suspecting your profile picture is your actual face, not that I blame you or anything.