I agree that if that was a thing then on the first playthrough should’ve avoided letting you do it. But I reckon that would’ve been easy to avoid.
They already have it so that in later playthroughs you can avoid having to find all the agents. So they could make other changes for later playthroughs. For example they could just make the radio shutdown with a keycode and they don’t give you that keycode unless you start in a non-default location.
Just an example but if IO wanted to do that they could’ve found a work around
There’s no cure to stupidity
Could still make the exit prompt appear after 5, but keep the targets on site and marked? I don’t know if this is possible? Additional noncompulsory targets if you will.
I actually would like a mode (besides the default start) that hides all the targets. The way they have it now sort of removes one of most interesting things about Berlin when you can see all the targets in the other “starts.”
Oh god. “When you killed a target, kill the next target within 20 seconds. The floor is made of proximity mines unless you equip the ancient cane of Dartmoor. Instafail if spotted”
Has there ever been a map or contract where there were more than 5 targets to start? The only ones I can think of where there have been more than five are the Patient Zero mission in Hokkaido and the Dexter Discordance (also in Hokkaido). Both of those had the potential to have a lot more targets but at mission start, there were just one or two. Even the last level in Carpathia really only has 1 target (the rest are just “permissable”).
I think this was a story decision to be honest, in the sense that 47 is being lenient on them as a fellow professional by, as he says, “sending a message” rather than wiping them all out.
Even if you do actually kill every last one of them in the cutscene that follows 47 acts as though he only killed a few.
I just played the Cheveyo Calibration escalation and the final level has 7 targets, which all display in your objectives counter. It was pretty trippy to see such a long list (whereas Berlin only uses a “Kill x/5 targets” counter).
That’s right. The 5 bodyguards plus the two rooftop targets you have to snipe. I was wondering if there’s some hard limit to the number of initial targets. Contracts can only have 5 as well. I wonder why?
I killed all of them (if I’m not wrong), it was 11 of them. One in the woods (Price I think was the name) and 10 in factory area. I didn’t get any challenge though, only some strange missing localization on the mission goals list:
There is a challenge called Clean House for eliminating all ICA agents.
As far as I remember this challenge completes when you kill all (there are 10 required) agents not in a single session. You can start mission all over again and again, but as soon as you kill all 10 agents at least once this challenge pops up. So check up your Challenges tab, I bet you already have it completed
Your belief is crystal truth, though that “starting” agent does not count for the challenge despite he counts in particular round as a killed target.
I think it’s made because of Bus Stop starting point is optional after the very first run
Well, I once made every Male Civillian in Day Mumbai a Target to find out some Names and well, the list was going out of the Screen and there wasn’t really an issue.