Speculation: IOI will be using the upcoming game mode updates to HITMAN III as a sounding board for Project 007 game mechanics.
At the very least this was confirmed for the Glacier technology (the game engine) recent developments.
Since the Year Two video clearly says that they will arrive “earlier” by being implemented in Hitman III during Year Two.
So at least they are primarly developed for future games, just some of them can also be retroactively injected in previous game. I would guess because some were in house tested in Hitman III, so ready to be added in the public version.
IO has a tall order to fill since Bloodstone set the bar when it comes to being one of if not the only time Bond kicked a guy in the balls during the opening credits dare I say the only time in the entire series.
Considering James Bond is a Time Lord - how will IOI incorporate this into the game? I look forward in seeing IOI’s take on regenerating James Bonds.
Bond was first introduced in 1953, Elizabeth II became queen in ‘52 so this game will be will be the first James Bond story where Cmdr Bond is on His Majesty’s Secret Service.
Edit: nope! See below, but the first book is set in ‘51. Well first in a long long time, and maybe only the second ever. Kinda fun.
Maybe. I would imagine it will depend on when it’s set. It is an origin story, after all.
Casino Royale takes place in 1951, as established in Goldfinger, so that would technically not be a Bond story within the reign of Elizabeth, even though it was written during it.
I did not know that
Do we know if it’s going back in time to the 50s or just rebooting in the modern age?
I think that’s the one concrete bit of information we have about the game.
From the announcement:
Project 007 (working title) features a wholly original Bond story and will see players earn their 00 status in the very first James Bond origin story.
Whether that means the 50s or they move it to the present is anyone’s guess.
I’m sure I read that when it came out. Dusty old memory banks
All this has made me want this game to come out soon. I wonder if the game or the next movie will happen first?
Putting it out there, but I’m betting that part of the reason that this is an “origin story” for Bond is because there will be character creation in which you’ll create you’re own version of Bond. Further evidence? They’re not using any of the character models of the current/past Bond.
Call me crazy, but I just have a strong feeling this is in the cards - I for one am 100% fine with this if true.
Personally I think this is unlikely, but I welcome the resurfacing of the Project 007 speculation thread.
How much longer until we get a little crumb of info, IOI? Fair enough with Freelancer & everything but I can’t wait to hear some news!
I would like to have the game borrow several aspects from the far cry series.
The Far Cry Series has some features very suitable for James Bond, such as drivable vehicles, flexibility of approach and good gadgets.
I really think we will get a hitman game that is more linear and with objectives other than “take out X.” I also fully expect one true sandbox level where if you took it and put it into Hitman WoA it would fit perfectly. This will undoubtedly be the casuals least fav level and all of ours first choice.
I´ll be happy if IO go for a Cold War setting and deliver an actual good espionage game.
I just want to keep those Bond Moment collectibles you get in the older Bond games.
Best case scenario for me : it’s a mix of WoA main story design and an enhanced version of the rogue-like Freelancer. With the addition of having a character that is actually sociable.
So large hubs.
Progression both by player knowledge of the levels, but also by gaining, nurturing, and playing (social) assets. Maybe have mutually exclusive assets that you always need to pull up and down.
Unlocking special set pieces under the right circumstances (because a Bond game will have car chase).
Story wise I hope for what WoA was in Hitman 1 first three levels : going after events, then discovering that they are connected (for Bond, Spectre). Each “events” being Freelancer-like, multi mission affairs.
I also still think that the largest difference Bond and Hitman will have is that WoA will be consequences between levels (at least contained to Freelancer like campaigns). WoA is all about self contained experience, and Freelancer barely scratches it away.
(ok, I just want Alpha Protocol 2)
Also, am I the only one worried about the writing ?
I trust IOI for the thriller-spy side of it.
But Bond is also famously a womaniser. And, well, the last time IOI wrote women on this front we had Absolution…
This right here. Seconded!
The last Bond game was eleven years ago, and ironically enough, the World of Assassination trilogy has been the closest thing we’ve had to a Bond game since then.
Project 007 will be surely share lots of similarities to Hitman, with a third-person perspective, and involving exploring sandbox levels in exotic locations full of wealthy people and using gadgets to progress.
Previous Bond games are mostly straight-up shoot-em-ups, but I guess Project 007 will be more about stealth and exploration rather than massive gunfights (just like Hitman again). Old Bond games also have plenty of driving sections, so let’s hope there’s some of them in there. Most previous games also have split-screen multiplayer deathmatches, which, whilst unlikely, would be great.
As for levels, there’s almost certainly going to be a casino map and some sort of lavish party…but how about sone classic Bond movie locations and a snowy ski resort? Mmm.
IO are also creating their own James Bond, so whatever this guy is like will set the tone of the game. Will he be playful and fun like Moore or serious and joyless like Craig? Let’s hope it’s the former!
Anyway, speculation over.