SONKO Challenges

SONKO Challenge #138

I hereby present you SONKO Challenge #138. It is a 4 target any method contract set in Dartmoor.

Contract IDs:
Epic: 1-28-6773187-53
Steam: 1-28-7315190-52 (Thanks to @AgentMando)
Stadia: 1-28-8349898-13
Playstation: 2-28-0174998-00
Xbox: 3-28-6976671-72 (Also thanks to Mando)

Map and targets


Target 1 is the one cleaning the sports car

Target 2 is the guard next to the lawyer

Target 3 is the security guard next to the bridge

Target 4 is the gardener by the lawnmower

JSON for recreation on other platforms:

{"Author":null,"MissionId":"a4affaf9-ce38-42d1-8e1c-b199d7bdf4d5","MissionName":"LOCATION_ANCESTRAL_BULLDOG","TimeLimit":210,"ExitId":"bead6735-25c9-4583-90e2-d60be03ec797","CreateFromParamsJ":{"creationData":{"Title":"SONKO Challenge #138","Description":"This is SONKO Challenge #138. Simply put SONKO stands for:\rSuit Only, No Knock-Outs\r\rLearn more on HitmanForum","Targets":[{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"","KillMethodBroad":"","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":0,"RequiredKillMethod":""},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"1ad1ec9b-1e96-4fac-b0e6-8817a46da9db","Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":true},"RepositoryId":"9f6b010a-b4cc-4bda-8200-f132aaad03a4","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"","KillMethodBroad":"","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":0,"RequiredKillMethod":""},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"1ad1ec9b-1e96-4fac-b0e6-8817a46da9db","Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":true},"RepositoryId":"604dfbdb-1cdd-4d96-ba13-7a7dacbc973c","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"","KillMethodBroad":"","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":0,"RequiredKillMethod":""},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"1ad1ec9b-1e96-4fac-b0e6-8817a46da9db","Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":true},"RepositoryId":"3c15c145-1b0a-4b6e-b9a4-bad0242b59a9","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"","KillMethodBroad":"","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":0,"RequiredKillMethod":""},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"1ad1ec9b-1e96-4fac-b0e6-8817a46da9db","Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":true},"RepositoryId":"d2e845c3-6817-485d-801b-449a0eb3d8c9","Selected":true}],"ContractConditionIds":["008d2eb9-c1c8-44e0-a636-ccca63629f3c","95690829-7da4-4225-a087-08918cccf120"],"ContractId":"037a04b7-4ef7-4458-bcc8-2a9b230bff59","ContractPublicId":"128829526953"}}}

I’m hoping this is not a noob time


SONKO Challenge # 138 NO ITEM(PapaLevy)


Now it is playable on all platforms.

Also here is my run from this night


I completed a lot of contracts uncompleted under the “My History” tab lately. This included:

SONKO #6 by @Euler13
Quite conveniently Kory Campbell came up in a film night turned Hitman contract playing night so getting to and securing that kill came much easier. Jacob’s definitely what SONKO is for when it comes to Colorado, in the end I did a wondeful dance through the greenhouse area and got a taser throw in. Very tense and very fun.

SONKO #35 by Hernandez-06-FCB
My original terror with this contract was Patrick, as there were some vicious sightlines in that area. In the end though I had a lot of fun taking it slow and Heisenberg-y. Well, maybe not perfectly Heisenberg-y but at least I make sure all my suits have gloves. I really like how all the suit starts were available, and it even made me go “why not” and take the speedboat exit! The utterly redundant speedboat on Paris! Whoah! That’s what contracts are all about.

SONKO #85 by @djsojus
Oh deary me I didn’t have much luck with this one. My biggest struggle was getting from the floor beneath onto the floor Heidi Santoro is, and both the last time I played and in my final run the guy who stands at the balcony messed me up. The second time I pushed him off trying to vault the ledge and just went with it. Good targets though, although I just siekered her I assume there’s a peekaboo to be had somewhere.

and SONKO #100 by Euler
Funnily enough, Matthew Robertson was in that same contract I was talking about for SONKO #6 but this time the suit restriction gave me a lot of trouble. Curt’s a simple kill and probably the most likely target to show up if there’s a demolition expert, but I liked him as he helped pick up the rythm. Donald Banks was also a great target as I was chucking tasers over a fence to zap a puddle right in front of him, which was awesome to pull off. I took the default start here (and in SONKO #6) and went for Barker first; he has plenty of available options which I really appreciate.


Claiming 139. I am going to make it on Stadia and retrieve json and remake on all platforms. That way this will be the last Stadia SONKO and when you press on the suit you can see that I wore the Stadia suit.

EDIT: The Stadia servers are dying and it is unplayable for me to create a contract. Sorry


new sonko w and extremely based

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Thid is a super fun SONKO contract, but not official SONKO. It is a 4 target sniper contract.

Epic ID: 1-28-9928371-96
Contract name: The Dartmoor Sniper


post sonko bruh

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Here is why I didnt post any

I have recreated several SONKO contracts for Epic Games and I have some sad news.

When I did my progress transfer from Stadia to Epic Games, all of my contracts on both platforms got wiped. So it is highly possible that there are a lot of contract IDs that will not work. I am sorry @Euler13 @djsojus.


Do you need me to recreate some contracts? I have the next two days off and a lot of time (planned to start freelancer, but SONKO comes first!)


You’re welcome to do so, but the thing is I don’t remember which ones I recreated. If you got time in like 1 hour maybe we can have a call and figure it out together. Because all the contracts are on playstation, so we can just use the json from there to recreate

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If you know the last two digits of your Stadia and Epic account you can rule out quite a few IDs I think.


It doenst matter for Stadia as it doesnt exist. But my last two digits for EGS were 52 and 53, depending on if it said PapaLevy or [steam] PapaLevy


I think we are going to need people on Steam to recreate most of the SONKO’s, there’s only like 15 actually available according to a friend who streamed for me earlier today.

I was able to get to number 10 with my recreations but never got round to doing any more - I’ll definitely keep it in mind and might be able to recreate some more when I get free time


so uhh I recreated one of them:

SONKO 91 on steam: 1-26-0661770-43
also updated the original post it links to at the top of the thread.


I’ve got a few old JSON here. Contracts 8, 24, 30, 38, 39, 42 - 58, 60, 78, 96, 104, 105, 109, 111, 113, 114, 115
Made them while recreating in 2021, so don’t know if they still work with WOA…