SONKO #86 2:32 @IlikeHitman
I really enjoyed it
Did another SONKO. #92 by @Sniff . Got it on my first try, although I probably could have been a lot faster with the stairs from the parking to the top. Anyway.
Can I claim #93 if it has not been assigned?
Brilliant run!I loved that shot you did in order to make the guard come outside of Cassidy’s house.I have no idea how that even works,but it is really cool.
I have to say that it’s truly amazing how many incredibly fast and completely unexpected strategies I’ve seen being used on my contract!I forgot to mention this,but I really liked
the briefcase lure by @ColdDayInHell to make that guard from Janus’ garden go into the garage and that Janus’ lockdown by @Parsime to make that guard from upstairs come downstairs.Awesome strategies right there.
I might try to create more Whittleton Creek challenges in the future because it’s one of my favourite maps and there seems to be a general lack of interest/inspiration among the players regarding suit only contracts on this map.
Oh,and here is my method of completing the contract by the way:
Ha, thanks. I’ve used that briefcase lure for years now, I forget who I learned that from. @III_Ed_B_III , @Parsime ? I forget.
#93: Claimed by Parsime
So much fucking panic that the guards didn’t even care about him getting killed lol.
Sorry for the delay, I had an unexpected.
SONKO Challenge #93
Sapienza (The Icone)
1-05-2525004-72 (PC: EPIC)
3-05-3035864-50 (Xbox Thanks @ColdDayInHell)
2-05-0345387-09 (PS Thanks @Loner)
Icon, I should have known. Great lmao.
This is tough to recreate… lol
I had to kill ALL the guards
SONKO Challenge #94
1-28-0526807-29 (PC)
3-28-3753849-54 (Xbox Thanks @Euler13 )
2-28-6328613-09 (PS4 Thanks @Loner )
10 SONKOS’s in a month! I’m struggling to keep up with them all now
I’ll claim another one soon most likely. Is 10 enough places in between before making another one as I did 84?
SONKO Challenge #94
Xbox: 3-28-3753849-54
Go for it!
We’re close to hitting the SONKO #100 mark. Crazy how many there’s been.
Would @Euler13 want to claim #100 seeing as it’s his thread?
He most definitely would.
Thanks, but I’ll leave that for someone else. I only started it and do my best to maintain the IDs. It’s been a real team effort and it has been one of the things that has kept Hitman fresh and alive for me. The real effort has gone into the incredible creativity in contract ideas and those of you who have been figuring out ingenious ways to complete them.
How dare you be incredibly humble and modest in a time of great celebration!
Glad you like this difficulty. The challenge is really focused on infiltrating and incite you to do more of what you’re asked to do. Steal Bosco’s car. But I assure you, no specific equipment is required to complete it. Can just complete it with Fibre Wire.
Go on then, I’ll claim #100. With the current rate of quality contracts here I just hope I have enough time to plan and design it, and that it meets the high expectations of everyone here!
Then can I make a reservation for # 99?
Alright well I’ll claim #95 then! Might not be done until the weekend though. Not sure on a map. Let’s do a poll of maps that haven’t been used in a while:
- Paris
- Sapienza
- Colorado
- Hokkaido
- Santa Fortuna
- Mumbai
And for fun, let’s choose a difficulty:
- Easy (3 targets, Any Method)
- Medium (4 Targets, Single kill method for all)
- Hard (5 targets, varying kill methods)
- Elephant (5 targets, 5 different kill methods, forced loadout)
Edit: whoops, I managed to set the end dates to 2 weeks ago, sorry to whoever had voted