SONKO Challenge #82(linux_penguin)NO LOADOUT(7:39)
HITMAN3 SONKO Challenge #82(linux_penguin)NO LOADOUT - YouTube
HITMAN3 SONKO Challenge #82(linux_penguin)NO LOADOUT - YouTube
That was amazing, especially for a no LO run.
So here’s SONKO 81 by AColdDayInHell
I don’t really play these for speedruns, just to figure out how to get SA. Hope that’s alright.
This contract was nice and simple. Tbh the route was a lot similar to the Greed escalation, so it felt very easy and familiar.
I’ve only played the Sloth escalation, interesting that it’s close.
Glad you liked it though.
SONKO #81 by @ColdDayInHell
I really enjoyed this one. Always a joy when I see Koroma on the target list, I absolutely hate getting stalled by him when I’m tresspassing or having to be stealthy around him when getting a Stuyveseant iso for roulette.
On another note, all of the reccomended thumbnails are kills (Koroma, pilot, cleaner), what’s the chance of that!
This is a great contract. I’d definitely play your contracts if you were to make more.
SONKO contracts (not challenges but no pacification/suit only complications) or my contracts in general? I’ll try and make some lol.
Just in general. I enjoyed your season of sloth contract on Dartmoor, and the Berlin and Dubai SONKO contracts were a joy to optimise.
SONKO Challenge 82.
Chongqing ICA facility.
2 consumed poison
2 any method
Xbox: 3-30-6221259-68
There’s already a SONKO #82 by @linux_penguin . You could make yours SONKO #83. Would recreate it for PC later today if you want. Could you post info on the targets and conditions?
This is when allowing us to go back and edit a contract would make sense. Anyway, I’m not at home right now, but the 2 ‘Any Method’ are in the break room, and the 2 ‘Ingested Poison’ are the guard pacing around in the security office where the armory is located, and the other is the analyst in the room with all the monitors; it’s where you go for the body scan.
Looks like that ID is wrong, no contract found. I’ve found it via friends contracts but I won’t set a time and record just yet in case you want to recreate as #83. Gonna go in and do some routing though!
Must of mistyped a number. Try searching under the title SONKO#82 or look under my contracts as we are Xbox friends.
Update: Corrected the ID number and posted a screenshot.
For your information, I keep track in the first post of this thread of every SONKO with a link directly to the post where the contract details can be found. There’s also a separate list in that post based on location.
I’ve added to the first post that you’ve claimed #83. When you’ve remade it, I’ll update it with the link to the post with the contract IDs. It’ll be great to have another SONKO to play.
(By the way, don’t forget to set the optional complications: No Disguise Change and No Pacifications.)
I’ll recreate it as #83. In the meantime, here is the screenshot if you want to recreate it for PC and PS.
SONKO Challenge #83
Xbox: 3-30-4855591-68
I reported #82 as broken content, maybe it’ll get deleted
Recreated for PS consoles: 2-30-8736912-94
Don’t forget to bring the 2 required consumed poison items!
This was a good one @TheCasualHitman. Not too easy, not too difficult. I also love Chongqing.
That’s what I was going for here. Thanks.
SONKO #83 in 2:51 (though the in game timer read 2:40?). It’s kind of depressing how easy it is to get around the facility in suit tbh, and I’m sure there is a much more optimisable strat than what I’ve done, but I enjoyed the contract and routing it. I decided to go for all 4 with lethal poison.
I also took a pop at #42 from @fgdsa_99 as well, finished in 51 seconds.