SONKO Challenges

Crewdy Contract Creations presents…

SONKO #84: Madness in Morocco :morocco:

There seems to be a lot of accidents happening in Marrakesh today. How strange.

PC: 1-06-9086903-62 (thanks @djsojus)
PC: 2-06-2219109-21 (thanks @djukak)
XB: 3-06-6972343-20

I hope you all enjoy this one!

Targets (for recreation)

The Intern

A lovely roaming target that walks over the puddle at the entrance to the lamp shop.

The Soldier

In Zayden’s compound, sitting by the PA system with a handy toilet right above him.

The Hired Help

On the main balcony of the consulate, can be pushed or tasered.

The Vendor

The food vendor in the middle of the market who uses the phone in the back corner of the market area :wink:.