SONKO Challenges

Here it is… SONKO #80
Dubai - On Top of the World


1-27-3627776-99 (thanks @fgdsa_99!)

2-27-3963450-94 (thanks @YellowZR1)

The idea started as killing each target in the “wrong” way, ie not with the kill option that seems most obvious. It kind of morphed a bit but the theory still remains!

I’ve also added an additional complication for those who fancy it: No starting loadout available

That’s just for some added fun for anyone who wants more of a challenge.

  1. Female tech crew in the room under the helipad.
  2. The helicopter pilot.
  3. Penthouse guard who patrols the helipad area.
  4. Stationary guard leaning on the uppermost railing looking over the penthouse mezzanine.
  5. Janitor cleaning the windows outside the main mezzanine by the parachute exit.

Good luck and let me know what you all think :blush:

Edit: just realised I forgot to add No Pacifications as a complication. Gonna be some much quicker times than there should be without that there :man_facepalming: