The image provides an explanation as to where the meat fork is, a very intriguing unique item that’s harder to retrieve than you think. There’s also a neat trick to this to get a good time, with a similar exit time after killing the final targets. Mogul/Chintanika is near the submarine (and river boat) while with the shortcut unlocked you can quickly get from Kays to the boat in the caves.
Target locations
Siddarth Mogul wanders on the roof of Farah’s place.
Chintanika Venkat… roams between the small bar Crest eats at and a bench overlooking Farah’s place. At the Farah start, she begins at the other bar.
Erasmo Kays patrols in a small line on top of the ruins.
I’m surprisingly busy at the moment but if I get some spare time I’ll recreate as many of these contracts as I can on Steam.