Simple Mod Framework

It says it’s missing/Page Not Found…

Edit: Alright. I did have a folder for the previous version of SMF. I took it upon myself to clear it out and finally deleted it. I only have the folder with the newest version of SMF. I do wonder if the problems I’m suddenly having are related to my having deleted the old version’s folder. :thinking:

I mean, why would I need it (I ask myself)?

Edit2: Now I’ve attempted to delete the cache folder… Well, all that I can, but there is an extremely stubborn FLV file that can’t be deleted, and thus the cache folder remains. Seems like there was an old CMD prompt trick to get rid of files.

this is fked. renamed ‘Cache’ to ‘notcache’ and sub folders leading to undeletable file/folder (whatever). I guess it can stay there and fester. I’ve already got a new cache folder, but that still didn’t help any mods deploy.

Edit 3 or 4: Useless file is moved to C:/ and still persists. Maybe there’s a way to nuke it via the registry… Dammit.

If only there was a way to clear everything and restart fresh. I’d happily take the too dark to see freelancer missions over not having any mods at all. :joy: