Check if you can download this. Dunno if I messed anything up.
A few of the XML files in SA (Kirov Park, Tunnel Rat and maybe one more) that you requested seem to be fucked up so I added in a few extra ones (haven’t checked if they’re good or not though).
Also went ahead and uploaded all of Contracts since I already had all but Wang Fou Incident before you even asked.
Thank you! I’ve looked through some of them already, seems to contain plenty of peculiar little details. Now I know why I had so much trouble translating Zun’s lines, it seems like he speaks broken Chinese because he’s… well, very child-like.
Just like you said, certain Silent Assassin xmls, namely Invitation to a Party, Tubeway Torpedo, Tunnel Rat, Jacuzzi, Motorcade and Kirov Park Meeting were messed up for some reason.