I have the Claw Hammer, Got it with the port over. Didn’t know there were issues of it not working for some.
I don’t think it was a issue with the transfer progress, but people can’t unlock specific items due to the lack of challenge/unlock method for said items.
Ah just Shrodax mentioned even those who did port did not get it which led to some confusion as remembered using it few times in H3
I just had to check myself as I almost never use it. It’s there correctly for me.
Damn, that roadmap is depressing. Why’d they even make us wait till the 8th when a lot of content was stuff from last month? And the 7DS continues to seem not worth much if Greed is just that lame escalation.
Really boring this month. Two Elusive Targets are okey, but thats it. No new rewards, just one Escalation. I am not a fan of FCs.
IOI are now independent and they pay for their own marketing now.
Gaming websites and You Tubers are free advertising.
If you are IO, it makes complete sense to have gaming websites or youtubers create feature contracts, to extend their advertising reach, especially in the first few months after release.
IOI know that their community of fans are loyal, and the loyal ones will create their own contracts, featured and advertised amongst the community without being designated by IOI as official “Feature Contracts”.
It shouldn’t be considered a slight to the community who can continue to submit their own contracts. IOI had solicited community-curated contracts before, and they likely or maybe will do so again. It will appear more special for IOI to restart community-curated feature contracts down the road, and not exactly fair to IOI that everything that they tried before is precedence setting for what they should always provide every monthly roadmap in the future.
They should just expand the ‘content creation’ functions, let us limit loadouts, enforce loadouts, starting points and various other things. I think if they opened up ‘escalation creation’ the community could come up with some pretty sweet stuff. Imagine the potential if pc players had full access to item placement and options to choose where to put enforcers.
No need to even let them share it straight away, it could be sent to a small team for approval or tweaks , community and developers working in tandem.
Very underwhelming.
wish they released a tease for the rest of the sins to know what to expect for people who might think of buying it.
I think it would be possible for IOI to design an elusive target creator too, where you get to create and name your own elusive target, dress up your elusive target in a costume, create your own backstory, choose a starting location for your elusive target, and use first person mode to track your elusive target throughout the map to carry out an NPC kill and/or to steal documents etc as an objective(s) as the elusive target. I think it would be fun to be able to record the mapping out of your own elusive target NPC movements and actions, designed to challenge the player as Agent 47.
Now I see why it’s called season of greed
Obviously IO is focusing on 007 and they don’t want to spend too much time on a already released game
A bit of a let down and considering now we have to wait till mid May probably for the next roadmap, it’s nice that the Elusive Targets are so close though, i wish they would just put a new one out every 2 weeks
The Collector no reward confirmed…
Might be added retroactively.
But I doubt as well
You expected a reward? Don’t be so greedy.
I was 95% sure and am still disappointed ngl
It’s so obvious now… damn I had very high expectations for h3 post launch content and now I’m so disappointed
Best season of greed content is the 4th egg on berlin for the E.T. exit. Come on, how can that not eggcite you!~ open your walleeetttt voice of greed
The reward for The Collector is the fun and experience you get. UwU
But seriously, this doesn’t paints good for the “new ET formula”.
Seems like, much like many other things in Hitman’s development lifecycle, had to be cut/walked back on, for whatever reason.
The change I was expecting at the least was when ET’s release, they get “added” to a collection of replayable targets. So, when the final content update is out, there’s a whole list of re-released ETs we can play and replay to our heart’s content.
Alas… that’s not to be. Not even for the new H3 ETs.
And darn… no new ET rewards to strive for. I don’t think H3 is going to have very many ETs in the first place (I’d say 7 at most, like H2) so there probably wouldn’t be very many rewards to earn or many mistakes to make before those rewards are lost forever. It’s kind of a good thing there’s nothing new on the line, especially since there’s nothing new about the format.