Sales for Hitman games (all platforms)

Ridiculous, for that money you can get like three copies of Codename 47.


Or you could buy 2 Hitman Blood Money discs for 24 pounds, then you can buy 2 tubs of Quality street and still have 16 great British pennies to spend


Yeah or just burn the money, which is probably more fun

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Yeah or just burn the three copies of codename 47, which is definitely more fun


fact checker




HITMAN WOA is currently the Playstation- sponsored Deal of the Week, at 60% off!
(I can’t see the price since I already own it, but I assume it’s 60%off like the banner says.
All the DLC is also at 30% off each. Even Sarajevo and Freelancer Cosmetics Packs.)

(Prices above are in CAD, taken from my console)


Ah Sarajevo Six, got them for free on PS4, then they took them away and now they are selling them back to me. Really classy, IO.


…they’re still on PS4 mate. You’re kind of conflating two circumstances here.

Yes it is classy of IO to sell previously-exclusive Sony-tied contracts, because at least now everyone can play them, and they’re not exactly an expensive DLC either. Speaking of which:

EGS Winter Sale 2023; all the DLC’s are 30% off (WoA is 60% off!)

This is in GBP, so keep that in mind.


Still annoyed that they don’t sell an upgrade pack containing just the HM3 maps. I already have HM1 + 2 + DLC locations but they jacked the price up anyway :angry:

Was randomly checking through the PlayStation store and I don’t know about anywhere else but In the uk Hitman HD enhanced collection is 80% off costing £9.99 until February 12th at 23:59 and Hitman GO Definitive Edition is 80% off costing £1.29 until February 14th at 23:59


Here’s something… interesting?

Hitman WOA: Part One is on sale here in Canada on Playstation for just 4$ until August!

(taken from Dekudeals)

That’s pretty cool, considering even the Season 1 portion of Hitman as we all know it, is high-quality and very very well-worth it!
4 dollars! [For a AAA Console game of 8 years ago!] Nice!

Unfortunately I have no idea if there’s an Upgrade Bundle to give you the rest of the locations, since DekuD doesnt display it… (it could be an unlisted item only available within the game’s menu)


A very interesting deal for newcomers but beware, this is only the introduction (and first part) of the HITMAN universe.

If you purchase this content and wanna go further you will need additional upgrades to unlock more content…

I hope you’ll enjoy the game anyway :+1:


Bro I’ve been here since like 2016/17 lol, I’m no newcomer! :joy::wave:

Sidenote: IOI sent an email recently about The Disruptor Ending soon, as well as big aales “up to 90% off” on the PS4/5 store.
They also mention “Part 1 (Upgrade Pack)”
So it’s good to know that yes, there is a “buy the rest of the game” option, it’s just unlisted from the front-end store, plus, it also can go on sale every now and then. :smile: