that’s some quality minecraft build Porn
They said bring your own Car
He became one with the Wall
RIP. Hurts everytime.
I finally replayed Mafia DE recently in the wake of taking a break from Hitman 3, since the whole Modding Thing not working as I want it to and as it did before is really getting on my nerves. Anyway, here are some Screens from my recent Playthrough
Shame they stopped supporting the game, it could really use a couple of fixes and some some improvements to the Free Ride mode.
At least it has a modding community
Yeah, so I guess they want to focus on Mafia 4 and if it keeps that Gameplay (+maybe some Features from Mafia 2) it will be great.
Installed that already, so I barely play Freeride, with or without Mods. I usually just replay some Missions like The Saint and The Sinner which is my favorite Mission of the Game.
Just hope they ditch or at least improve the engine. Mafia DE’s issues were mostly those that were also in Mafia 3.
Speaking of a Definitive Edition the people who handled the MAFIA 2 DE are doing Alan Wake Remastered
So i better get a copy for my 360?
I really can’t tell you what to buy. I just know that they did it. It could be better or worse.
Atleast that Game doesn’t feature as many Hats…
On the Topic of Mafia DE. My recent Playthrough was on Hard (minus the Race.) How different is Classic to that? I know that you lose Ammo when reloading so soon, so what other changes are there?