The issue is far more prevalent than you think. Loads of people are flagging the issue on twitter including myself but ioi aren’t even acknowledging the problem. I’ll give them until tomorrow to acknowledge the issue then I’m going to have to request a refund through ps store on account of it being a faulty product. It really pains me to even have to consider it because Hitman has to be my favourite game franchise and I was so looking forward to this. That said I paid 55 pounds and currently I have to assume it’ll take weeks to resolve at which time the game could have been heavily discounted. I’d rather re purchase the game then. Gamers shouldn’t stand for this nonsense especially as this is the result of always online DRM. All it does is punish the honest consumers.
I’m calling it. This is a cyberpunk level failure. I think its everyone on PS4.
I’m not going to waste my time playing the game offline. It’d be interesting if Sony pulls Hitman 3 from the store if there are lots of complaints.
@Quinn you love defending IOI. Please tell why its not.
haven’ tried today, but last night played online for about 5 hours. No problems. I am in the D.S.A (Divided States of America) if that helps.
I’ve just booted up Hitman 2 and my profile loads up absolutely fine there. They clearly got a work experience kid in to do the profile transfer.
I know how you feel, trust me. How about playing offline, and roaming around each map for a while to get to know the layout, so when you do get back online, you’ll have an idea of what’s going on. Look at it as a rehearsal for the real thing.
No luck yet for me and I tried for 30 mins just now again. I am losing hope this will be fixed sustainably
Same issue here, tried pre, during and after the carryover, no luck.
i tried multiple times, restore licences, wi-fi/ethernet, rebooted my game and ps4 nothing works.
H2 goes online just fine.
Of course your reply is nothing to see here, IOI is perfect. This launch is very unprofessional.
Hey I feel bad creating an account here just to check on this issue but I didn’t know where else to turn. I pre ordered Hitman 3 for PS4 a few weeks ago but since yesterday every time I load it up I get the “CONNECTION FAILED” message. As others have said Hitman 2 still works fine. Are we literally in the position of just sitting and waiting for it to be fixed? I’m just a bit worried that they haven’t even acknowledged this particular issue so we could be waiting for a fix that isn’t even coming.
well its not that a fix “Isn’t comming” its just that we can’t confirm if IOI is aware of this issue yet. It is midnight there so chances not many if anyone is still at the studio working on this until the morning.
There will be a fix eventually its just how long we have to wait for said fix.
For me personally if they at least acknowledge this particular issue I wouldn’t mind waiting for the fix but I don’t even know if they are aware this is a problem yet because they are too focused on other issues.
Im no expert but I feel like the “server failed to fetch profile” thing should be a relatively simple fix on their end.
As far as I know, all we can do is wait until it’s fixed.
Yes, they haven’t specifically acknowledged this bug yet, but I’m sure that sooner or later once they get other major issues sorted out, they’ll fix it. I’m crossing my fingers it’s solved ASAP.
Same problems on ps5 and can’t connect the server once since launch day!
It’s not exclusively on ps4 it’s happening on ps5 aswell
How long can this possible go on for. Quite frustrating. I feel like fallout 76 players might have felt.
I’ve emailed them. I’m in Sydney, Australia and have not once been able to connect online on the PS5 since launch. Hitman 2 works perfectly fine. I’m sure it’s an easy fix, I just asked for them to please acknowledge it and give us some time frame on when this could be fixed. It’s disheartening being such a fan, but I’ll hold tight and have faith.
Stangely,this morning I changed to my another acoount which hasn’t done any progress tansfer and succeeded in connecting the server. Obviously,sonmething is wrong with the server when fetching the profile after transfer progress.
I’ve also emailed them today. They should be well aware of it by now. There’s just no public acknowledgment of it yet but it’d be nice to get something.
Hi all… experienced HM1 / HM2 speedrunner here… looking forward to HM3, but sadly STILL cannot connect to the servers. I’m on PS4 in the western US. Anyone with any updates, feel free to chime in. Having preordered and cleared my schedule for the past 2 evenings in advance, it’s frustrating to see so many videos posted from fellow gamers and not be able to dive in. Glad to know I’m not alone here… I sure hope things clear up in the next day or two.
3rd day now without access. Beyond a f$%#ing joke. Scammed for 3 days.
This is beyond annoying. I’ve tried to connect the servers since release day. Used different VPNs and ISPs, even my cellphone’s hotspot and still unable to connect to the damn servers.