Player-Made Elusive Contracts (All Platforms)

Huh, I guess I counted wrong. Thank you for the clarification!


Okay… honestly I think this contract was a bit too much for me, for a one-attempt Elusive. There’s 4 targets across the map, with 2 bonus objectives that give you more points by using them on the targets, but each revolve around a hidden puzzle, one of which can instantly kill you if you fail. :sweat:

Spent like 26 minutes focused on the side-objectives, only to not make any progress on the main stuff :sweat_smile:

ahhhh well. next time.


And this is why I said NOPE to the knife. Kudos to @Krikkit2021 for his run where he remembered to knock out the targets with the golden idol first and then go for the knife. That would’ve never occurred to me.


Hey, guys. I’m really glad this thread is still going strong.

I never wanted to stop playing, but I’ve been going through personal stuff – mainly health-related stuff – that hinders my enjoyment of the game, so I chose not to force myself to continue. And I didn’t want to moan about it, so I just vanished like 47 whenever he switches disguises.

Vanished, gone … poof! Completely invisible. lol

Just dropping by now to wish everyone the best and provide this update in case anyone was curious.


Take care of yourself! And thanks for everything you’ve done for this forum.

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I hope you get to a good place again soon and there will still be a place for you here when and if you decide to come back.

For some reason, it was the first thing that occurred to me. The thing that didn’t occur to me was that you couldn’t pick the idol back up after putting it in the wall. Like suspecting that only the Shaman could open the passage, I always kind of figured the idol became part of the wall when you placed it but I never actively tried to confirm. :man_shrugging:


That is what I was referring to. If you could retrieve it after placing on the wall, then I would retrieve both weapons first and then go knock and kill every target.

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Oh, okay, I get what you’re saying now. I still would have done it the same way even if I had known beforehand that I’d lose the idol because all the targets are in basically a straight line. It’s beautiful in a way that most of the route is Pharmacy to Fishing Village and back again along that riverside path where two of the targets are. Not only does that path open almost directly into one target on one end and one on the other but it also leads right into the bus stop exit on one side and the riverboat exit on the other. I just never tried to get the idol back after getting the knife (not that I get the knife that often) and was a little surprised and annoyed that I couldn’t. Luckily, my plan never depended on me having both idol and knife simultaneously.

(This is going to read like something classified by the government and I’m not sure how much redacting was actually necessary :joy::sweat_smile:)


Congratulations Agent @Krikkit2021. Ths $207,147 has been wired to your account! Thanks to all the agents that saved South America from the plague!


This award is a huge honor and the biggest achievement of my career. I’d like to thank my parents, the academy, everyone who believed in me and the gifted storyteller that is @Viv.

Seriously, though, I generally knew where the targets where going in but I never really though about them. Now I almost wish that there was a P-Power related kill opportunity with the fan by the river and I wonder what exactly the woman in the pharmacy does all day. Potentially lethal optional objective aside, fun times.

As for my upcoming contract, I’m at work right now but it should be ready by the end of the day. All I can say at the moment is that I hope everyone likes haute couture.


Me after googling this term: Oh no


Aw yes we’re going to Paris


For Xbox: 3-02-2189801-59
For PC: 1-02-8943314-62 thanks @djsojus
For PlayStation: 2-02-8711822-79 thanks @David47

- Eliminate Alex Vladimir
- Eliminate Irina Vladimir
- Prevent Valerie St. Claire, Liza McKenzie, Hailey Brennan and Jared Dorst from leaving the Palais de Walewska [optional] (+7,500 Alive, +2,500 Dead each)
- Hack the IAGO Auction [optional] (+7,500)
- Trigger the Fireworks Display [optional] (+2,500)

Good evening, agents.

Your targets are identical twin sisters, Alex and Irina Vladimir. They began their careers as photographers and made quite a name for themselves chronicling the horrors of the modern world before being discovered by a modeling agent in Prague. Deciding they needed a break from all the doom and gloom, the twins welcomed his contract offer and stepped in front of the camera for the first time.

However, they quickly grew discontent in their new roles. Remembering the injustices they covered, they decided to act instead of watch and have recently scaled back their modeling careers in favor of hacktivism and eco-terrorism. Even more recently, they’ve started converting their connections in the fashion industry into a spy ring.

They’ve expanded rapidly and have made quite a mark on Western Europe in the last few years. Now, they’re poised for their biggest expansion yet and have explicitly targeted IAGO, the world’s current foremost spy network, to do it. Alex and Irina have recruited Valerie St. Clair to infiltrate IAGO and destroy it from within. St. Claire has spent months working and, now, it seems like the moment is at hand and Alex and Irina will be on site in Paris at one of IAGO’s infamous information auctions to make sure the plan goes off without a hitch. They will also be working the crowd looking for recruits who will soon be out of a job. You should find Irina posing as a model being photographed and, if intel is to be believed, Alex doing the opposite.

However, unbeknownst to them, likely through St. Claire’s clumsy methods, IAGO has caught wind of their looming hostile takeover and has initiated countermeasures. It seems the largest spy ring in the world has grown tired of these pretenders and would like to relegate them to a mere footnote.


IAGO has also noted that in addition to the sisters, St. Claire will also be on site, likely hassling Viktor Novikov, as well as Liza McKenzie, St. Claire’s top aide, and Hailey Brennan, who’s presence as Dalia Margolis’ personal assistant would normally raise no flags but signs point to her being a Vladimir mole. IAGO considers these women the lesser threats and has Parisian authorities on standby to apprehend them at the conclusion of the auction, signaled by a grand fireworks display, but requests our assistance in making sure they don’t slip through their fingers. They wouldn’t mind seeing the accomplices dead but will pay more if they’re still alive. They’ve also advised us that one Jared Dorst has been getting a little too close to Brennan for comfort and can no longer by sure of his loyalties. They would prefer if he wasn’t allowed to leave either, with the same conditions applied.

We’ve been given a rough outline of the plan and it looks like it revolves around crashing and hacking the auction at a certain point and taking control from there. IAGO is uncertain when exactly that point is but have noted how increasingly on edge Brennan, who’s in charge of the auction, has become. If you can trigger the crash early, she might lose her nerve before the critical moment. Additionally, once you’re confident the collaborators are unable to leave the palace, you can trigger the fireworks early to let the authorities know to start moving in.

I’ll leave you to prepare. The Sisters and their Accomplices leave Paris on November 25th at noon EST. Good luck.


Done! Someone’ll probably beat my score but Paris has always sat right with me! It’s nostalgic and there are so many good targets that aren’t the main ones or an important figure in the story, such as the Vladimir twins.

Here’s my run! (spoilers, obviously)

I wanted to go for as much score as possible, but then I realized that pacifying and hiding bodies didn’t necessarily help. Oops! I knew that after seeing the optional objectives, I knew I had to 100% this in one run! I planned to leave on speedboat seconds after I trigger the fireworks for some cinematic finish. However, my run was just cut-through silent assassin. I love the snail though, it definitely helped with the double knockout towards the beginning! I also got the Auction Staff disguise since it allowed me access to 95% of the level. Solid contract, but you saw me fumble and somewhat panic when dealing with Alex Vladimir.

161,676 + 30,000 (4 pacifications) + 7,500 (IAGO auction hack) + 2,500 (fireworks display) = 201,676

There are some ways to cut down the run but at least I put in a good effort! Really good elusive!


Recreated for PC: 1-02-8943314-62
And here’s the JSON for other platforms:

{"Author":"djsojus","MissionId":"e9f86bbc-ce66-4aa3-8759-2e0580178156","MissionName":"LOCATION_PARIS","TimeLimit":390,"ExitId":"d4aad1c4-13e7-42e7-9d57-bffb765a9f77","CreateFromParamsJ":{"creationData":{"Title":"The Sisters","Description":"Your targets are identical twins, Alex and Irina Vladimir. Amateur photographers, part time models and burgeoning hacktivists, these renaissance women have recently set their sights on spycraft. IAGO views the twins as hostile competitors and has hired us to deal with them.\rOriginal Contract by @Krkkit2012 for HMF","Targets":[{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"","KillMethodBroad":"","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":0,"RequiredKillMethod":""},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"f911d7ee-169d-4cfe-9a77-b0d28177e3f0","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"","KillMethodBroad":"","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":0,"RequiredKillMethod":""},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"3da9a746-0108-4636-9827-73a9ec150e3d","Selected":true}],"ContractConditionIds":[]}}}

Great run and that’s why I like Alex because she does what she does instead what you want her to do. In fact, a lot of the NPCs in that area throw up in that bin even though they’re closer to the bathroom in that hallway.

Thank you. Also, I just realized I didn’t put any recreation information in my OP. Should I or does everyone kind of know where the twins are?

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Can you elaborate this a bit? How exactly am I supposed to gain those 7,500 points? Do these NPCs actually leave the mission at some point? Sorry, Paris is one of my least played levels, so I’m not really thorough with this map.

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By knocking them out or pacifying them. I think it’s just a part of the story, they don’t really leave the location.


Recreated on PlayStation.

Title: The Sisters
ID: 2-02-8711822-79


A couple of them can be made to “flee” the level but mostly, no, they don’t actually leave.

Exactly correct, preferably in a place where they won’t be found but only the game might end up holding that against you. Depending on how you choose to do it. You can also kill them in a pinch for the reduced amount of 2,500.

There is also another method I’ll accept for a couple of them that doesn’t even involve interacting with them. I’ll leave it secret for now but watch @Viv’s run after attempting for yourselves; she did it and almost definitely didn’t intend to.

Or, refer to the following massive spoilers (AFTER you play or recreate):

For Hailey and Jared, if you hack the auction, they’ll leave the top floor and go to where the speedboat is and stand on the pier for the rest of the mission. Jared will tell Hailey that “this is good enough, for now,” implying they’re going to lay low there and leave completely later. They don’t as long as you’re still playing but, if you also steal the speedboat keys, I’ll consider them unable to leave.

There’s a reason I use the admittedly vague word “Prevent”. :grin: