Player-Made Elusive Contracts (All Platforms)

5 stars in 3:33
181,483 + 30,000 = 211,483


This makes my minor tragedy more palatable; my time wouldn’t have been fast enough anyway


This could have easily gone much worse.

SA in 10:06. 164,894 + 30,000 = 194,894


Damn, L_p, this isn’t Formula One racing! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

That near-miss at the end with the guard was insanely close.

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This is exactly why you lost points for “No noticed kills”. IOI have simply named it incorrectly. Basically you lose points for “Not spotted” simply if someone sees you trespassing but you comply and walk out of the restricted zone. But if you don’t, it results in a “No noticed kills” penalty. Same goes for any illegal action that is noticed by a non-target (like crowbar opening a door or shooting your gun in the air, etc.) It should be called “No noticed illegal activity” instead of “No noticed kills”, which is why it creates confusion.


That’s what I figured, I was just already pissed off that it went so flawless and then I basically chose to get spotted and then I see 3 stars instead of 4

As I said, @linux_penguin completing it in roughly half the time took a lot of the sting of it. :grin:

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No way!

I’ve got to run this by my bug ticket agent. This isn’t really a bug then, just something really weirdly mislabled. Has it been this way since 2016? If so that’s pretty crazy.

I’ve never played 2016, but it’s definitely been like that since Hitman 2.

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That’s pretty crazy. I never knew that.

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Only about a day left, for anyone who still wants to try it and hasn’t.

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I need to look out for you on every leaderboard now. That was quick.

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@linux_penguin do you have a contract planned?

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I’ve got something in mind. I’ll keep you posted

Contract will be posted tomorrow (UK times)


Deadline is over! @linux_penguin is our winner, congrats! And well deserved with this amazing run. Can’t believe you didn’t got spotted near the end

Just some random thoughts on why I chose to make this contract:

  • Possible to play for everyone with H3 (no loadout)
  • Easy to get the tool needed (screwdriver)
  • Two or three «risky» passages (like sneaking past those guards in the hallway)
  • Targets that are kind of in the open but aren’t that hard to lure somewhere safe.

Hope you all enjoyed it!


Here’s my run, wouldn’t have been eligible since I recreated the contract

Could have gone a bit better. Strange how the trespassing routine broke for a sec, and I ended up being Enforcer-Suspicious instead.


Waltz with Wrath

1-16-5047941-94 (Thanks @Beldingford )

2-16-2769559-81 (Thanks @ZeroGravitas )


Good evening. This is a strange one. A group of Himmapan hotel staff and the recording crew team for “The Class” have ordered a hit upon a member of the opposing group. Prior to this, the groups seem to have been playing an extremely competitive match of
 “Mini Ninjas”
 and during a spot where both teams were struggling, a
 “penguin”(?) walked in and beat both groups. Filled with rage, the gangs both want an enemy dead, and they hold the cult responsible for the event. Happy hunting.
 I’m told they saw “one of those cult types” nearby after the event but they couldn’t figure out which one it was. How about you just knock out a bunch of them? Should put the fear of God in their hearts.

Eliminate Kevin Johnson
Eliminate Marianne Bartez
Pacify 3 Liberation Cult npcs. (Excluding Jeff)
Each additional npc out of the remaining 19 pacified add 6000 to your points total.
The ICA19 Chrome is BANNED. Using it will result in a 1,000,000 points penalty. :heart: Destroying it (explosives, dropping into the river) before using it will give you 10,000 points instead.


crosshair is where the staff member is

briefing goes up to this point

Both the cult and The Class will be out by Monday 8th November at 21:00 CET / 20:00 GMT. Act fast.


What do you got against the Chrome? :grin:

So, that’s everybody wearing a cult initiate and cult bodyguard outfit?

And what’s the deadline?

Oops, It ended up in the recreation area somehow :grimacing:



:joy: Ohhhhhhhhhh
 Is that roulette rivals or some other competition whose name escapes me?

What if we took it in just to make a show of throwing it out or something?


Plus 5.000 points if we drop it in the river, throw it in a trash bin or burn it @linux_penguin ? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: