So, a bit more than 10 hours left for submissions.
it"s due to close at 22:00 CET and I can’t imagine how the hell Urben will choose only 3 contracts among this huge amount of submissions. I can only wish luck
So, a bit more than 10 hours left for submissions.
it"s due to close at 22:00 CET and I can’t imagine how the hell Urben will choose only 3 contracts among this huge amount of submissions. I can only wish luck
How are we doing compared to other months? I knew I get more submissions because of the longer submission time.
This month stands out because of this
Would love to hear some inside talk about how you’re going to chose the contracts, @Urben .
I would like to postpone such questions for the release day. Through the “best of the rest” idea is nice, I might do that.
What I will do today or tomorrow is to post the contracts that were sent to me outside this thread so they are in the list for others to check too.
I can safely say that the ducky Sniper contract he isn’t playing.
Water fowl comment! That’s probably the best one! Water you have against ducks?!
Oooh nice. So your own blog post ish?
Nothing is planned yet, surely it won’t be as lengthy but sure some stuff I can talk about then, about my picks and how I selected them.
I count about 53 contracts (not counting troll ones )
Holy sheeeeet.
angry papalevy noises
Nice submissions, I’m sure the batch will be great. I submitted my contract two days ago, though it’s only visible to good players. Sorry if you didn’t see it
Ah yes. That contract. I really liked it. :Kappa:
These are the submissions I got outside HMF:
Title: Devil’s Wingman IV - Big Diederik Energy
Author: Doctor Dave
Epic Games: 1-29-1804689-38
Title: Devil’s Wingman III - Props To You Both
Author: Doctor Dave
Epic Games: 1-27-8243068-38
Title: Santa’s Little Accomplices
Author: Rockyhorse6000
XBox: 3-30-5493248-69
Author: Booch58
XBox: 3-28-1106974-80
Seasons greetings 47,
Patrick Carlisle is a holiday fanatic and a sucker for Christmas music. He has also been flirting with Elaine Sutton, getting her on the Christmas bandwagon. This obsession of theirs is driving the whole house mad. Your mission is to eliminate them with inconspicuous accidents and return peace to the mansion. Happy holidays 47,
(Hint: Let those sleigh bells ring)
Title: Sangria Day Festivities
Author: Roy-ARJ
Epic Games: 1-31-0004250-47
will the contracts picked be revealed on the 21st?
Yes, I will not reveal them earlier.
Is this a record for most submissions?
Good luck everyone.
All Contracts submitted here are awesome. I wanted to share my views and continue the list as I played some of them a week before on PS4.
I wish we can play contracts independent of platforms.
The Walls Are Thinning
This is a different contract as there are four targets/guards in a room - the crate, photocopy and elevator plays interesting role here.
I enjoyed the gameplay.
Sniper Assassin: Holiday Edition
This is a kind of Sniper Assassin (as mentioned) and I tried to snipe from the rooftop. I was able to solve three targets and still thinking of hiding DA YIN’s body.
I guess @PapaLevy did a research for a long time. Good Sniper Contract.
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
I personally liked this the most as this contract is my type - I like explosive tricks and found another explosive [Gas Stove]he he. In fact I used my RFID Explosive trick here - double kill.This has a good poem too.
Initially I thought to put the condition in my contract (RFID Gift Bombs) but players may not be my type so I removed all conditions.
I did not get time to play remaining contracts due to personal work, I will play soon.