Official Community URBEN Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: PC: 1-31-0951332-10 (with HCCE)
1-31-0592554-10 (without HCCE)
Contract Title: Codename: Grinch
“Santa has once again hired the infamous Grinch for a one-of-a-kind mission. Once in a thousand years! He gave him one simple task: Turn Christmas into the once-beloved holiday again after some pesky workers have ruined it all by preparing for it in October! Naturally, the Grinch was hesitant, but they made a deal that he wouldn’t have to celebrate Christmas ever again, so he agreed. A thousand years! He made sure that their demise was as festive as possible. Hot chocolate, icicles, you name it!”

Themeing: Who even prepares for Christmas in October? Crazy people, that’s who! Santa has hired the infamous but clever Grinch to get rid of them once again. All of the kills were meant to be “festive”, but I had to get creative since there aren’t a whole lot more without repeating the same kill.

Target locations:

Image Suggestions:


Thank you for recreating it :slight_smile:


Exit? The wetsuit one?

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Yes, but I forgot to write it down in the non-HCCE version of the contract, so it can only be found in the modded version.


PC:Tactical Xmas Gift
A sniper contract.You can bring that rifle by yourself or steal one by starting as gaucho.
Obviously there’s not only one sniper point.If you don’t know how to snipe…just imagine your rifle is a blade with telescope,that will be another kind of fun.

No modded version here:1-31-9716590-27

Targets location

Image suggestion

{"Author":"Quartz Tan","MissionId":"ac8147eb-9a56-4768-bf7c-db0523637093","MissionName":"LOCATION_ELEGANT_LLAMA","TimeLimit":270,"ExitId":"bcdd0e1c-11fc-434f-97d2-a1f20d56b2dd","CreateFromParamsJ":{"creationData":{"Title":"Tactical Xmas Gift","Description":"Grab your present,kill the targets,and leave.That's all the things you need to do. \r\rBy Quartz Tan\r<HCCE>","Targets":[{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"","KillMethodBroad":"","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":0,"RequiredKillMethod":""},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"87074555-5008-4451-9b56-8d362d835676","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"7d64d9df-5d30-4e98-9af0-7562ee145d5c","KillMethodBroad":"sniperrifle","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":3,"RequiredKillMethod":"sniperrifle"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"e887e53a-6b02-455d-88be-284af6d88e94","Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"f3d0ceed-ee12-4336-9d8c-b85e86517179","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"7d64d9df-5d30-4e98-9af0-7562ee145d5c","KillMethodBroad":"sniperrifle","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":3,"RequiredKillMethod":"sniperrifle"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"e887e53a-6b02-455d-88be-284af6d88e94","Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"d4c68a8f-aab1-40f2-b5ed-6f7d017dde17","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"7d64d9df-5d30-4e98-9af0-7562ee145d5c","KillMethodBroad":"sniperrifle","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":3,"RequiredKillMethod":"sniperrifle"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"e887e53a-6b02-455d-88be-284af6d88e94","Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"58dba19f-aa5b-4671-b4be-dbb4ebbd9a5b","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"7d64d9df-5d30-4e98-9af0-7562ee145d5c","KillMethodBroad":"sniperrifle","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":3,"RequiredKillMethod":"sniperrifle"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"e887e53a-6b02-455d-88be-284af6d88e94","Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"0f4829d8-35f2-4dc5-b7e9-85009cc90c67","Selected":true}],"ContractConditionIds":[]}}}

A little help required with the weapons. Who carries the pistol? Also, I see the shotgun in the grape shed on hitmaps. Is that the only one on the map or does some guard carry it too?


Such questions point out one thing that users of my mod tool should be reminded from time to time: Make the briefing useful! :wink: If you require guns, say where they are.

That is also why I want you to post the jsons along with them, so I can fix that in case I want to use someone’s modded contract.


Here’s the Json for this contract:

{"Author":"Crewdy","MissionId":"ac8147eb-9a56-4768-bf7c-db0523637093","MissionName":"LOCATION_ELEGANT_LLAMA","TimeLimit":450,"ExitId":"9fb145d0-37ab-4346-a0ca-839100d05a28","CreateFromParamsJ":{"creationData":{"Title":"Stocking Fillers","Description":"47, I forgot to pick up some of the presents for the ICA Christmas party this year! Tremaine wants a new Sieger 300 Tactical sniper, Banner has asked for a Sieger AR552 Tactical AR, Lowenthal wants a new Bartoli Hunting Shotgun and Montgomery would like a new Hacklr pistol.\r\rWhilst you’re in Mendoza, would you do me a favour and pick them all up? In exchange, I’ll let you borrow my suit for a while, I know how you love wearing it.\r\rYour pal, Santa","Targets":[{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"a8309099-1b89-4492-bf37-37d4312b6615","KillMethodBroad":"assaultrifle","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":3,"RequiredKillMethod":"assaultrifle"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"645d1646-c910-4d8a-9f9a-b39aca226eef","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"1cae7d71-55c8-401a-9dfb-cd0909c4f6ee","KillMethodBroad":"pistol","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":3,"RequiredKillMethod":"pistol"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"1b9db6ec-a713-49a6-b682-991fc2579502","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"785c3c6b-1272-4853-94f0-a41d52f64795","KillMethodBroad":"shotgun","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":3,"RequiredKillMethod":"shotgun"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"db85e020-98d2-485e-ba21-ebfc53b91daa","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"7d64d9df-5d30-4e98-9af0-7562ee145d5c","KillMethodBroad":"sniperrifle","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":3,"RequiredKillMethod":"sniperrifle"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"","Required":false,"IsHitmanSuit":false},"RepositoryId":"0f4829d8-35f2-4dc5-b7e9-85009cc90c67","Selected":true}],"ContractConditionIds":[]}}}

@Adil15101 Connor has a loud pistol. You’ll find the shotgun with almost everyone near the sniping spot, the Sieger 300 you’ll can either bring or take from the sniping spot and the AR552 is used by most of the guard at the mansion (and also found in the locker by the secret tunnel).


I’m a little bit disappointed that there isn’t a contract called “Lust Christmas”, yet. Crossover between season of lust and christmas. Who’s gonna take it?


@Viv obviously.



(Disclaimer: I did not use any RFIDs for the RFID-focused contracts.)
(Another disclaimer: I didn’t play any of PapaLevy’s contracts.)

PS contracts.

Broken Sled - @Switcher
Solid contract, it took a LOT of retries to get the AI to do what I wanted but the target placement was really good to make a challenging contract that I enjoyed (finally) finishing.

Slashing the Slackers - @Danger_dog_guy_7
Personally one of my favorites on PS. I like the spacing and the dependence on routes with non-targets. It was over pretty quick, but I could see this contract was well-made.

X-MAS PUZZLE - @Chiku138
I really enjoyed this contract, it seemed hard but it was actually pretty chill. However, I wouldn’t want this to be featured just because of the amount of mastery that would need to be accomplished to play the actual thing and the amount of map knowledge required to actually do some of these lures. I still really enjoyed it, just try to make more contracts where loadout weapons are minimal and bring out weapons from around the map.

RFID Gift Bombs !!! - @zubin47
This contract is pretty good. Despite not using RFIDs, it was still all-around good as just the casual head shooter contract too. I liked your spacing and the different approaches to the contract. Solid job.

47’s Christmas Carol - @Gamerthron
I wouldn’t call this one of my favorites, I didn’t like having to bring a Sieker which I ended up heavily relying on. The spacing was okay; however, I’m not a fan of Alexa being a target in this contract. Your target picks of notable NPCs were decent though.

XB contracts.

Secret Satan - @ColdDayInHell
Instantly bad. I like this contract, it’s not hard but it’s got an alluring challenge. I know RFIDs are what you intended for this contract, but it’s honestly fun either way. Definitely a good one.


Aw, thanks buddy.

As I said, RFID/trip wire are not needed.

Any proximity explosive and a proximity demo block also works and is the fastest. I just used the trip wire because it’s badass and keeps the guard in the container instead of flying out the side.

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:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


Actualy you dont need to bring anything special with you. The normal loadout (normal pistol, distraction, fiberwire) ist all you Need and i did Even with no loadout :grin:
But thank you for your feedback!


These are my backup submissions, in case I run out of time to do the contract I’m thinking of making just for this batch.

You’re probably wondering “What have these contracts got to do with Christmas”, but I ask you what is more Christmassy then putting in the effort to get specific things from a list? With that premise in mind I give you…

Contract ID: 1-30-5604843-04
Contract Title: Weapon Hunt: Chongqing

Steal the stethoscope from The Block and a rifle from the Data Facility and kill the street targets with them, without knocking anyone out (So it is still possible to change disguise)

Contract ID: 1-29-9612755-04
Contract Title: Boom Stick
Description: Steal the shotgun from the Biker warehouse (but you’re unable to start as biker), and kill three people across the map with it without changing disguise. Will you go slow and safe, or hard but fast?

Weapon Hunt: Garden Show

Description: You’ve been given a list of things to collect, but sadly these things aren’t exactly legal for you to get, so you’ll have to come up with a strategy or the kids will be very disappointed on Christmas morning.


Awwww thanks m8 (20 characters)

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AUTHORS: WinstonPeroni89 & MontezumahCHP

ID: 2-30-1112838-56


Mrs Zhao would like to receive a special xmas present by Santa 47… Targers are; Mogwai, Sister Lei, Lee Hong and Angus Pritchard. We are sure that you know where you can find them.

Location: Chongqing

Contract Briefing

Dear Santa,

I did my best to be a good person but i can’t really stand in front of this situation anymore. In the building next to my house some very bad people are doing horrible experiments with the homeless community. SIster Lei with Mogwai are the head of the operation, Angus Pritchard is the main investor and Lee Hong is the landlord of the building. I wish the worst xmas to these criminals and a house for the homeless people, that would be the best present.

Feiweng Zhao

Image Suggestion


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That was fun


Enjoyable but very very ez, no challenge at all

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The story is the Christmas party comes soon they ruined it one of them got drunk and they tried to kill everone with the things you kill them with