Official Community URBEN Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract Title: Patrick’s Home Alone
Contract ID: 3-28-3544195-09
Platform: Xbox
Creator: DavidG185
Also On: PC - 1-28-7999788-89 (thanks @Heepo aka Georgikens)

Description: A bit of a spoof on the classic Christmas movie Home Alone. Except it is not the kid that is doing the destruction, it’s Santa Claus/47. The job is pretty much eliminate the other members of the Carlisle Family, except Patrick Carlisle.


Patrick’s wish is to make his family disappear. With Zachary already killed off, he wishes Santa to get the others killed off. He is all grown up and can do whatever he likes at Thornbridge Manor, all home alone to himself. Make his Christmas wish come true… Santa 47. Patrick has been a “good boy” this year.

Targets, Methods of Elimination & Complications

Where To Find These Targets?
The five targets can be found in their typical spawn locations to the mission Death In The Family.

  • Alexa starts from Level 2 and does come down to Level 0 to chat with Phineas the Investigator before heading back up to the top levels. She comes down again when there is a Family Meeting or if the Family Photo Shoot is ready.
  • Emma and Gregory hangs around in the Sitting Room on Level 0. Rebecca hangs around in the Trophy Room near the Sitting Room and does walk and chat with Emma and Gregory in the Sitting Room. The Trophy Room is Level 0. Edward is in the Dinning Room. If Alexa is eliminated, Patrick does hang out in the Trophy Room instead of the room with the Pool Table.
  • All the targets including Patrick goes to the garden fountain when the Family Photo Shoot is ready. Once done, they head back to what they were doing.

How To Eliminate The Targets?
Alexa needs to be eliminated with an Electrocution Accident. Emma needs to be eliminated with an Explosion Accident. Rebecca and Edward are Poison Kills, and Gregory is any Accident. You’ll need to be wearing your Suit for all of these kills. Do note, this doesn’t have to be done Suit Only. You just need to be wearing your Suit when their kills occur. So expect a bit of waiting around.

Complications & Objectives?
There is 0 complications and 0 objectives in this contract. You are free to do whatever you like and have freedom to find the solutions. You can change disguises, exit at whatever exit you want, and not need to worry about time limits or getting spotted. There is no instant fail. It is possible to do this with very little on your loadout, at minimum a pistol is recommended. As long as you wear your Suit when they get eliminated, you’ll be fine. For Alexa’s elimination, it might be fitting to get that Photo Shoot organised.

Contract Image