Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

hcce is allowed, as long the kill conditions is realistically achievable


Is it??? What sorta things can you use?

since hcce allows specific kill conditions, you cant kill someone with a weapon that is not map/version exclusive (eg using a hitman 1 unlock on a hitman 3 map contract), and stuff like killing someone with an apple or muffin is not allowed

I knew that wasn’t allowed even though it ain’t a glitch, it’s just the player knowing health can make certain throwing items can kill eg the Banana :banana: or the Apple :green_apple:

Contract ID: 2-28-9961942-05

Platform: PlayStation

Submitter name: mjbsr2008

Contract Title: Never Dartmoor

Briefing: I’m sick of this job for a fake funeral and these ravens keep screaming in my ears “Never Dartmoor”. I will not tolerate this anymore. I’m going to kill the lazy bastards who didn’t help me get rid of these damn birds and Alexa Carlisle for making me create a fake funeral for her. It makes sense the ravens said what they said. I’ll never come back to this place ever again once i’m done with them and leave after giving them all coffins unseen.

Location: Dartmoor

Brief Description:
in reference to Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven”.



Image suggestions


Contract ID: 2-24-0745705-05

Platform: PlayStation

Submitter name: mjbsr2008

Contract Title: Death Takes Manhattan

Briefing: A brutish Murderer has made his way to New York all the way from the lake of a camp to reign death upon the Milton Fitzpatrick bank. Watch as one by one his victims fall by his cold dead hands in the city that never sleeps. He will make sure the city finally slumbers permanently.

Location: New York

Brief Description:
a reference to some of the kills from the movie “Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan”



Image suggestion

to make sure the higher ups know i made this and the raven one before the deadline.


@plantspeaker @Charlie_Farmer we’ve had both Food Kills and HCCE contracts chosen by IOI to be featured, and Clemens haven’t said anything that might indicate that both these things won’t be chosen anymore.

Tho he should ban food kills, these are never fun

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Contract ID: 1-26-0896647-67
Platform: PC (Steam)
Submitter name: SASO
Contract Title: The Mikeing of Osmond

Brief Description: bald! spooky!
Location: Haven Island


Contract ID: 1-02-9553563-00
Platform: PC (Epic Games)
Submitter Name: HeavyMetal_Matt
Contract Title: Phantom of the Fashion Show

Brief Description: This is a 5 target contract. It is suggested that all targets be killed with melee while wearing the Vampire Magician outfit, but it is not required:

Two targets are found on the terrace on level 2 (the area that overlooks the catwalk), two more are in the dressing room, and the last can be found in the unloading area. There are several complications:

Required Exit: The vampire’s a pretty ancient guy and doesn’t have a means to pay remotely, so you’ll have to meet him in the Paris catacombs (by taking the exit in the basement) to collect your payment. Don’t worry–he doesn’t bite.
Do Not Get Spotted (Optional): A creature of the night can’t just get spotted out in the open.
No Recordings (Optional): Everyone knows vampires can’t be captured on camera.

Location: Paris
Suggested Featured Contract Thumbnail(s):

Fun Fact: An alternative title I was going to use for this contract was: «Bon Sang !»


Different platforms, at least. And doing it with no pacifications hopefully adds a tweak.

:jack_o_lantern: The subs are now clossed :jack_o_lantern:


Good luck everyone, and shall the best win!


The longest part of the wait is 3 days!!!

Overall there were 109 submissions(!), lets hope for some bonuses :wink:


When coming up with ideas for a Halloween themed contract, I did briefly consider using apple-kills and drownings as a reference to the “Bobbing-for-Apples” game, but decided against it as the food kills would ruin the flow of the contract

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I never got the “fun” around these kills, if you don’t know how to do these you need to google it and follow the steps one by one, a hassle to go through

Who else is excited for all the Superfan/Sgàil/Vampire Magician contracts we’re gonna get?!

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Don’t forget Santa! :wink:

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I have been mistaken then

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Good luck to everyone, hopefully it’ll be cool if mine get featured! Wink wink IO! :joy:

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