Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID : 1-29-5050058-05
Platform : PC (Epic Games)
Submitter Name : Faiz51
Contract Title : No Candies, You Can Dies

Briefing : I just want some candies
Brief Description : The short briefing is enough for expressing the Florida Man’s feeling because he had searching for candies for hours but non of them have it. He doesn’t want all, he just want some of it. We must share happiness (or horror) in Halloween season and candy play a big part of the tradition.


___Rolf Hirschmuller

___Michail "Mishoo" Nenkov

___Gerald Grotti

___Manfred Messmann

Location : Berlin
Featured Contract Image :

Other suggested images


Well look at that we did think of the same idea. Different kills like you said. This is actually my first time submitting my contract into this featured contract submission. I guess we’ll see what happens when the votes come in.

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Contract ID: 1-22-0170069-00

Platform: PC (epic)

Submitter name: yo-uquan

Location: Whittleton creek


Briefing: The four men didn’t give us any candy on Halloween. Let’s play a trick on them!


Brief Description: Stealing Helen’s robe and the mailman’s newspapers–that’s a great trick. And I chose the politician as the target of my contract because he tried to cancel Halloween. We all hate him,so go sabotage his election.

Image suggestion


Contract ID: 1-02-7049870-27

Platform: Steam, PC

Submitter name: DietzNuts69

Contract Title: The Polyphloisboisterous Samhainophobia

Briefing: Halloween is quickly approaching, as you may have noticed. These individuals are terrified of Halloween and intend to put an end to it. Their strategy was to clandestinely plant explosives in The Sanguine Show, a gathering place for Halloween enjoyers, and blow them up when the timing was right, thereby killing people who were celebrating the holiday. You must put an end to this scheme, ideally with their own plan. You may also frighten them a little by disguising yourself as something scary.

Brief Description: Kill these people with samhainophobia with explosives while disguised as a scary vampire magician.

Location: The Showstopper, Paris

Featured Contract Image Suggestion:


Contract ID: 2-03-3411326-84
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: teddyfilmore
Contract Title: The Caruso Disturbance
Location: Sapienza

Is someone still crazy if the fears that keep them up at night turn out to be real?

In Silvio Caruso’s case, the answer won’t matter for much longer.

It’s the anniversary of his motherly smothering, and after successfully terrifying him during the last haunt, the scorned Lady Caruso returns with a vengeance.

This year, she has more than a few cheap tricks in store for her wicked son and the cursed souls who have invaded her family home. This year, she posses a deadly weapon… you.

Brief Description:

It’s a Sapienza-style haunting contained in the Caruso mansion that aligns with the Beyond the Grave mission story. There’s plenty of freedom and a few crucial trade offs.

Image suggestions:


Contract ID: 1-22-7804664-78

Platform: PC Epic Games Store

Submitter name: HYP_ADOH

Contract Title: FEEDING IT


Brief Description: it aka pennywise has appeared in whittleton greek and it is hungry but it can’t go up with so many adults there
so it hired 47 to feed him the bodies of adults through the sewers.
dress like it and you will float too.

Location: whittleton greek

And sorry i don’t have a Featured Contract Image suggestion.

i hope you all try this contract and give me you feedback.
:star_struck: :grinning: :hugs:


Contract ID: 1-30-0130126-76

Platform: PC epic games store

Submitter name: HYP_ADOH

Contract Title: THEY LIVE


Brief Description: when a brain eating shapeshifting aliens studying us prepare for a full invasion on earth
Imogen Royce discovered them and hired us to eliminate them with accidents so they will not report back to their armies
be creative and save humanity.
Location: chongqing

And sorry i don’t have a Featured Contract Image suggestion.

i hope you all try this contract and give me you feedback.
:star_struck: :grinning: :hugs:


Title: Freddy Krugermeier 2-2
Contract ID: 3-09-1197716-17
Platform: Xbox
Location: Colorado
Brief description: This contract is clearly based of the films Nightmare on elm street and it’s lead character: Freddy Kruger. I had fun making this one, i hope you enjoy.

My favorite Image for the contract is the first age and its spooky vintage horror movie vibe it gives off!:jack_o_lantern:


Contract ID: 2-30-6851122-92

Platform: PS5

Submitter name: tryagainlater

Contract Title: The Ghost of Molotov Past

Briefing: Gather round and hear the tale of an item so frightening the gods themselves had to intervene to weaken it. Legend has it that there was once a weapon do terrifying that it could combust a poor innocent bystander such as yourself with but a simple throw without causing suspicion upon its bearer.

Alas the story gets scarier. The goods did not fully understand the folly of their almighty nerf. Henceforth, a certain target in a certain flourful and powerful contract became impossible…or did it?

Brief Description: Yes, I am being cheeky with this one. It’s a reference to the Flour Power contract from a previous batch which has a fire accident kill that seems impossible now because the molotov no longer counts for it. But it is possible if you use the only fire accident in Chongqing, i.e the core meltdown. It’s not as hard as you think. You don’t need to pacify that many people either. You’d be surprised how easy it is to drag a body around the ICA facility without anyone noticing. The target does wander near the entrance next to the restaurant at one point too. It also becomes a lot easier when you know you can trigger the meltdown manually. It is only one target with no disguise restrictions and no complications because despite it being spooky season, I’m not a monster.

Location: Chongqing

And Featured Contract Image suggestion


Because contracts are not cross-platform and PC now has 3 stores to play the game on, please specify the particular store which your contract is for

@Charlie_Farmer I still remember about your gametag, but I may forget, so the summary list might have your forum nickname in the Author column. It will be your responsibility, not others


@Count.Rushmore there all fine and good!

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That is a very snazzy second image my friend! :heart:


Contract ID: 1-07-0466102-29

Platform: Epic

Submitter name: Fenixsandr

Contract Title: The legend of Dajjal


Location: Marrakesh, a house built on sand


Contract ID: 2-24-8618085-84
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: teddyfilmore
Contract Title: American Psycho
Location: New York

There is an idea of a 47; some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory.

And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours, and maybe, you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable…

…I simply am not there.

Brief Description:

Based on the cult film with a handful of kills as the Investment Banker modeled after those in the movie. The Fired Banker gets stabbed in the stomach because “why doesn’t he have a job?” Fabio gets axed for looking the most like Jared Leto and playing the part. Athena’s taken out with a falling object (possibly on the stairs). (Maybe chainsaws will be included in Freelancer Mode) The last two because… well, they’re the last two.

Image Suggestions:


Contract ID: 1-03-2525171-27

Platform: Steam, PC

Submitter name: DietzNuts69

Contract Title: The Maliferous Parapsychology

Another year, another Halloween. These people specialize in parapsychology and they had proved that ghosts and other paranormal beings are not real. They had gone mad and plan to murder everyone that believe in ghosts, and the first place they are targeting is a coastal town in Italy, Sapienza. They plan to shock people with the information, but they also want to shock them with electricity. You should kill them with their plan, and dress up in a spooky costume, just to scare them a bit.

Brief Description: Eliminate the targets, preferably with electrocution, while dressed up as a spooky plague doctor. (The only possible solution might be to drag all the targets to this place in the image below, and electrocute them all at once, that’s how I did it. I don’t know if there’s any other way.)

Location: World of Tomorrow, Sapienza

Featured Contract Image Suggestion:


Contract ID: 4-04-0630045-19

Platform: Switch

Submitter Name: BobTheBuilder

Contract Title: My Costume: Clown

Briefing: It’s Halloween, what would Halloween be without a scary costume. These targets need to be taken down 47! Costume: Clown. No Flamingo,No Pirate Only CLOWN!

Brief Description: The targets are easy to take out. You need to drown two of them and the other one must be eliminated with an old axe.It’s a fun

Location: Sapienza (Landslide)

Fetured Contract Images:


Contract ID: 1-09-1520591-07
Platform: Epic Games
Submitter name: Mebiusdore
Contract Title: The Harvest Massacre
Briefing: 47… 47! Those wretched soldiers that occupied our barns, are endangering our crops… become the scarecrow, I have left a little present at the hut near the tar pit… hahahahaaha!
Brief Description: Become the scarecrow and retrieve the old axe from the tar pit, kill all of your targets using your surroundings and the foilage.
(Objectives: Exit at the bridge)
Location: Colorado
Featured Contract Image Suggestion:


Name: Tobias Ripper

Contract ID: 2-34-2852549-95

Platform: PS4

Submitter Name: Damo2007XD

Location: Ambrose Island

Briefing: Guess what? It’s Spooky Season! And guess what comes with that? Horror Films! It’s time to make your very own Horror Film 47, with YOU as the main antagonist. Tobias Ripper. Slaughter Your targets in anyway you like, just try to keep on your Signature Suit, any suit you like.

Targets and Complications:

Custom Image Suggestion:

Brief Description: Eliminate 4 targets in your suit with any weapon you like, you have 2 optional complications, just to give that extra challenge if you really want. By the way, your targets are situated in roughly the same place, just for convenience.

Have Fun :slight_smile:


Contract id: 3-03-5895875-58

Platform: Xbox one

Submitter name: TutyDrak

Contract title: Sacrifice for mother

Location: Sapienza (World of tomorrow)

Briefing: The Sapienza mansion is one of the most beautiful but also one of the scariest place on earth. Owned today by Silvio Caruso, who is known for buying haunted houses to attempt a sacrifice ritual to bring his death mother to life. Today, on Halloween, he is planning to do the ritual. He doesn’t want to get blood on his hands. That’s why hired you.

Brief description:

You will need to kill 5 targets which includes
Arcibaldo Nasi , Alessandro Andreotti, Giuliano Esposito, Paolo Parella and Tiziano Lo Duca with a Nne Obaras Machete in your suit.
If you want to, there is an optional task where there can be no bodies found.
Staying in your starting suit is isn’t an optional complication and you will need to stay in it or else you will fail the mission. This add’s more realistic feeling of being a dressed up killer from a horror movie.
For the spice wear clown suit.

Suggested picture:

I would provide more pictures of the briefing and target’s but because I am a new user I can’t do that.


Contract ID: 4-169828906-19

Platform: Switch

Submitter Name: BobTheBuilder

Contract Title: Banana Gang

Briefing: A Gang named “Banana Gang” wants to install bananas in the Bangkok Hotel. These bananas are very slippery, they could ruin Halloween with these bananas. The kids want candy not bananas. You will need to take out the 3 last members of this gang. Good Luck!

Brief Description: three targets one of them can be easily killed by shooting a gas canister. The other one (the one in the kitchen) is a little bit trickyer. You will need to drown him to get a 5 Star rating. The last one needs to be electrocuted. This mission was designed to be fun.

Location: Bangkok (The Source)

Fetured Contract Images: