Contract ID:1-29-3487326-86
Platform: PC
Submitter name: Peterchu
Contract Title: Hirschmüller’s Envious Rampage
Briefing: Rolf Hirschmüller has just inspected the Son’s of Ragnarok’s operation and realised how little work it was. Envious for their cut of the profits, he sets out to shut their operation down so he could start his own without any need for intermediaries.
Brief Description: Being envious can mean many things, it can be envious for roles, for money and that envy can drive you to kill. Rolf is envious of their operation and desires to cut out the middlemen to have all the money for himself.
Location: Berlin
Image Suggestion: 47 in Rolf’s clothing shotgun pointing towards the camera.
Its here!!! heres one of mine. ive got 2 more but i’ll put em up later
Contract IDs: PC: 1-33-7692462-89
Xbox: 3-33-9393622-02 (thanks @linux_penguin)
Platform: PC & Xbox
Submitter Name: Georgikens
Contract Title: Green With…
Briefing: Look at them, leading happy, meaningful lives. Why do they get this privilege but you don’t? Look at what you’ve done. You’ve saved the world from terrorist attacks, serial murderers, fatal epidemics, underground cults, secret world governments. And look where you end up. Still murdering people for money. I wonder if killing them will make you feel better? No harm in trying.
Brief Description: Kill targets around the garden show using your Envy tools. (kill targets in-order for an extra challenge.)
Location: Dartmoor Garden Show
crop image accordingly.
Contract ID: 3-28-2960001-01
Platform: Xbox One
Submitter Name: Pootis.exe
Contract Title: The Green-Thumbed Monster
Thornbridge Manor’s gardeners are seen as the bottom rung of the ladder. They regard Madam Carlisle’s bodyguards with seething jealousy. Their fancy suits, their important status, their fatter pay-checks. They even get full access to the manor, while the lowly gardeners toil away in the cold and the mud. Why can’t the honest working man get some luxury for a change?
Well today, the tables turn.
Today, a humble gardener shall ascend the mansion’s stairs; his green-thumbs stained red with blood.
Brief Description:
My contract is themed around class-conflict; a common source of envy in the real world. Specifically, a class conflict between the gardeners (the lowest ranked disguise in the mission) and the bodyguards (the highest). The gardeners are dissatisfied with how they are treated; not even being allowed inside most of the mansion they help to maintain. They are jealous of the status and privilege the bodyguards have, and so decide to take some of it for themselves.
Appropriately, the title is a reference to 'The Green-Eyed Monster’, a metaphorical term coined by Shakespeare as the personification of envy. Similarly, ‘Green-Thumbed’ (or green-fingered) is an idiom referring to somebody who is very skilled and/or knowledgeable with plants. There is therefore a thematic crossover as green is not only the colour of envy, but the colour of plants.
In terms of gameplay, the contract takes inspiration from The Kotti Paradigm (my favourite escalation from Hitman 2016). The player is required to eliminate four bodyguards with a hatchet while disguised as a gardener. The bodyguards are all found within the mansion, but only one of them is on the ground floor, meaning players will be required to scale their way up the mansion through Trespassing zones to reach their other targets. However, this is not as simple as it may initially seem, as players will quickly discover that they are unable to climb any pipes, ladders, or ledges while carrying the hatchet (which is especially a problem as hatchets can only be found outside). Subsequently, the player is forced to carry the hatchet up the stairs; something that will prove difficult without an appropriate disguise. This plays into the themes of the contract, as the player must adopt the role of a bodyguard (traversing the mansion while carrying a weapon) while disguised as a gardener; fulfilling the gardeners’ jealous desire for a role reversal.
There are no complications for this contract as I deemed them unnecessary. I originally considered adding a ‘No Disguise Changes’ complication, but ultimately decided against it as I wanted to allow alternate strategies; such as equipping a bodyguard disguise and carrying the hatchet up, then traversing pipes and ledges with a gardener disguise. It also means that players are free to begin the mission from whichever entrance they wish. Ultimately, this contract will test the player’s map-knowledge, their ability to manipulate NPCs, as well as their ability to traverse trespassing zones undetected.
Location: Dartmoor (A Death in the Family)
Image Suggestion:
I think 47 attacking one of his targets with the hatchet would be a good image for this contract, such as the one seen at the top of the submission. I’ve added this photo, along with some others, in the drop-down menu below.
I just edited the list @Count.Rushmore , is there a layout somewhere to follow so I can help? The brackets are odd, thanks!
(I added @Pootis.exe 's contract)
You can just copy and paste the previous row with replacing all the necessary data, just like you did, you did well
Contract ID: 1-29-9612755-04
Platform: PC
Submitter name: Kevin Rudd
Contract Title: Boom Stick
Brief Description: Steal the shotgun from the Biker gang, and kill three people across the map with it without changing disguise
Location: Berlin
It fits envy because it involves wanting what others have (the shotgun/s), and if it’s not picked console people will be quite envious because there is something special about this contract that the briefing doesn’t show
Contract ID: 1-30-5537449-62
Platform: PC (Epic)
Submitter name: djsojus
Contract Title: Look At All Those Nice Weapons
Briefing: Did you know that the ICA has a display of all the best weapons? Don’t be envious, just get there and help yourself to a few of them. And show those ICA-Fools that no one kills better with them than you, the original. They don’t even deserve to have those weapons.
Brief Description: Infiltration contract with a twist (yep, the “stealth” gun isn’t really stealth…).
Location: Chongqing
Featured Contract Image suggestion:
Here we go folks, this is my first ever submitted community featured contract.
Contract ID: 2-29-0081455-60
Platform: Playstation
Submitter Name: Axwage
Contract Title: Jealous German Jerks And Jockey
Steady, cool, easy jobs. What more could you want? Apparently, what others have.
Friedemann sits on his ass complaining about his lack of cable options. Other biker soldiers get porn! Teach him to appreciate his life and not be a jerk-off.
Hagen wants the b-u-s-y tips. Here’s a tip: watch out for jealous masked colleagues.
Egbert-Jan just wants to spin his discs. Why’s it always the other guy’s turn? No fair! He shouldn’t let it get to his head…
Change disguises, but don’t pacify anyone.
Brief Description: These three NPCs are the jealous type. You must take each one out wearing their same disguise – but you cannot pacify anyone. You must also exit the mission in style, not on a bicycle or scooter, but on a sweet ass motorcycle that would be the envy of any food delivery person.
I like contracts that you can complete without bringing in specialized tools like emetic pistols or briefcases. This contract isn’t difficult for pro players, but throws enough of a twist in there to make you have to think for a minute. For new players, just bring a gun and you’re good to go.
Location: Berlin
Featured Image: (Berlin, dripping green)
Contract ID:1-30-3715702-86
Platform: PC
Submitter name: Peterchu
Contract Title: Chop Chop
Briefing: Why are these imposters in our clothing allowed to go through the door while we are barred? Use the instruments of our profession to make the clinical white corridors red. It’s close enough to green. But do it quickly or you will be discovered.
Brief Description: A hunt for Dumpling Cooks that don’t work at the restaurant killing all with kitchen instruments.
Location: Chongqing
Image Suggestion: A knife and cleaver lying together in a pool of blood.
How do you do this? There is a bartender disguise near the bartender target and a biker disguise in the hideout but where is the dj disguise?
You have to start with the DJ starting location
Ok granted you need some mastery of the level to pull this off.
Don’t stop me noooooooow
We’re having such a good time
We’re having a ball!
Hi again! I’m here to submit my two submissions, one story-based contract and one puzzle (sort of) contract! These two were fun to route and create, and I hope you guys enjoy them!
To Be or Not to Be
Contract ID: 3-28-3146247-02
Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: Viv
Prof. Edward Carlisle is, as our client puts it, a mess. He has attended many plays across the United Kingdom, and is jealous of all these bright playwrites. So, he scams them: offering them free admission into his literary program. Days after, he’s gone without a trace. A resistant playwrite, Ralph Burke, plans to confront him. However, Edward hired two staff members to loot Burke’s car for his notes. Our client, wronged by both parties, wants them to choke on their words. Exit stage left, 47.
Brief Description: A higher meaning on someone choking on your words besides stuttering. While both literary aficionados must choke, I have given freedom to Edward’s helpers, allowing agents to explore new opportunities. All four targets are also in their right places per the briefing (Burke watching Edward, Lawrence at a car, Dante on a tablet next to Burke’s belongings). It makes fun for both roleplay and speedrunning potential.
Location: Dartmoor
Featured Contract Image Suggestion:
If it’s chosen and maybe the image isn’t too appealing to whoever’s chose this contract, some extra suggestions are placed here (I do prefer this one the most, though)
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Contract ID: 3-31-7847776-02
Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: Viv
Each guard is given a weapon. Every guard is trained to be able to fire each weapon at a moment’s notice. What if that gun, however, was more expensive? More stronger? More precise? They want, and they will stop at no cost for their desire, even if one of their own dies out of pure jealousy. Take a good look in the mirror, and see who is truly green in the face. Be careful, don’t let the envy get to your head.
Brief Description: I like this contract. The obvious way to go (and the meant way) is to use the Green Eye sniper rifle from this season’s escalation. All four targets are in spots that scream ‘shoot me with a sniper rifle!’ However, I took off the complications and left in the headshots only complication for freedom in this. You can take the food, or you can make your own. It’s adaptable for everyone! It even centers around the mansion, so there’s even an exit if someone wanted to be speedy.
Location: Mendoza
Featured Contract Image Suggestion:
Not a strong batch from me this time around (compared to Let Them Eat Cake) but I hope it gets considered! Good luck everyone!
Here’s my third and final submission:
Contract ID: 1-28-1662391-10
Platform: PC
Submitter name: bgyorok
Contract Title: The Lone Ranger
Briefing: Look at all of these people. What comes to your mind?
Strength? Agility? Maybe brains?
No. What should is pure luck.
They were just lucky, unlike you.
You were downgraded to just guarding the garden, meanwhile they get to do anything they want, anywhere they want.
They don’t admire the art of The Lone Ranger.
It’s time to show them the power of envy.
Brief Description: I decided to move away from puzzle contracts and just do a fun one. Here, you’re only allowed headshots and no wasted bullets like a true professional. I also added no subduing as an optional objective (for one of the targets). And that’s pretty much it.
Location: Dartmoor
Featured Contract Image Suggestions:
2 more.
Contract ID: PC:1-29-2214137-89 Xbox: 3-29-4322296-02
Platform: PC and Xbox
Submitter name: Georgikens
Contract Title: Crime of Envy
Briefing: Hello 47. Your targets are Ingolf Maurer and Charles West (Micheal Beyer). Maurer is holding an illegal identity auction at the Sündhafter Puls event at the Club Hölle. Just this evening, he has purchased Beyer’s identity and is now celebrating at the club. According to Mike Beyer’s mother, he has taken his own life after having his identity stolen and all his bank accounts drained. She requests both Maurer and West to be eliminated in the same way Beyer was. Nobody else may be harmed.
Brief Description: Kill 2 targets with pistol eliminations with no pacifications/non target kills.
Location: Berlin
Contract ID: PC: 1-30-5344982-89 Xbox: 3-30-9633506-02
Platform: PC and Xbox
Submitter name: Georgikens
Contract Title: Jealousy Kills
Briefing: Look at those scumbags in their snazzy suits… I bet they think they’re so much better than you. “Ohh, what a poor measly cook!” I can hear them thinking it. They should be envious of YOU, 47. You’re so much better than them. Get them out of my sight.
Brief Description: Kill 4 well dressed targets in the ICA facility with alternating weapons.
Location: Chongqing
Contract ID: 1-30-5604843-04
Platform: PC
Submitter name: Kevin Rudd
Contract Title: Weapon Hunt: Chongqing
Brief Description: Steal the stethoscope from The Block and a rifle from the Data Facility and kill the street targets with them, without knocking anyone out (So it is still possible to change disguise)
Location: Chongqing
It fits envy because it involves taking what others have, it involves starting as a homeless person, and if it’s not picked console people might be quite envious
I am really envious you PC players can do that
Then again, Rudd might be doing the same thing that happened when Grand Theft Bosco got picked, where it got immediately patched/broken
Contract ID: 1-29-6780561-91
Platform: PC
Submitter name: Merw17
Contract Title: I AM A BETTER DJ THAN YOU!
Briefing: You are the best assassin but are you the best DJ too? If not, there is only one solution. Take down your rivals and make it with bombastic style. You need also a great Alibi. I heard that DJs owe some money for drugs to local dealer, so it is good motive for dealer to revenge them.
Good luck 47.
Brief Description: I was inspired little bit to do this contract for my own experience like DJ. And yes sometimes there is big rivalry among us This contract need some grinding in this game because you need specific items to do job done. There is little story for DJ and dealer too in this run and full run take place on the stage so atmosphere of berlin rave is in this mission all the time. And I want make this little bit harder but is not to hard overall if you figuare out how kill all of a DJs with explosions like a ghost. For some players this may be good challange to figure out how do this contract to 5 stars SA.
Location: Berlin
Featured Contract Image suggestion: 47 with his bass drop. I liked that 47 had his own tracks for case if he randomly appears on the rave