Map lightning/bloom discussion

It’s unchanged I think. I just meant the H2 and 3 lighting in general.

Me and another guy noticed that Sapi’s destination image doesn’t have the blur/lens flare effect all the others have. Honestly the image looks better than all the others do because it doesn’t have that effect. Heck it might even look better than Sapi looks in game.

That’s what what im saying, wot worse venough to be annoyingly subtle. It’s not like awful or bad now, just like good to okay. I’d prefer like what’s other people propose: the original lighting but without the gray filter and a proper blue sky.

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I’m a simple man. I prefer the pre-GOTY look to any other :roll_eyes:


This topic exploded once more, here we are again. :smiley: But speaking of it, is there any change mods like reshade could fix it?

Because, reshade was able to turn this:

Into this:

Maybe there is hope for more in the future?


Just tried Bangkok and Colorado. Seems they´re the same, but just like Paris and Marrakesh, it is a tad bit darker / with higher contrast it seems. Looking good though. But man, the Marrakesh palm trees suffered some serious downgrade in H3, or is it just my settings?

Btw, Sapienza is the only one that got changed in the patch, right? The whole thing´s gotten me paranoid af :sweat_smile:

Yeah but if it wasn´t for the patch, we wouldn´t be at it :smiley: (well, not yet, anyway)


True but for our community sake I will try to set up a reshade for at least each game in HItman 3, I think it will be hard to find a one-fits-all. Ill share progress here then!

Everything got downgraded. Its a mix of lower LOD, lower texture quality, removed vegetation and changed trees aswell as partical effects being toned down / removed, destructibility…

You have to please the 500gb console players somehow if you dont want to make your game 200gb big, right?


Well, we have rain now so they could apply that there.

Here we go again…

I almost feel bad for ranting so much about this. But seriously, what the hell is happening at IO when they discuss the lighting? Which genius came up with the idea to add a slight vignette effect to Sapienza?! Terrible mistake. It’s obvious all the problems are caused by the bloom effect, yet they decided to fuck up the lighting in a different way. Like Marcus Stuyvesant once said “We have to fight the problem, not the symptom”. There are only two options to go with here:

  1. Turn down- or complety remove the bloom effect from the level. It’s getting out of hand and it ruins the level. It caused me to almost never play it again. Is that worth it?
  2. Change the skybox to the pre-GOTY version and keep the bloom. @musicalmushr00m proved that the exessive bloom is caused by the clouds, and is not present in the og backdrop due to it’s clear sky.

The image below is what it should be, and once was. Neat clear skybox + IO’s beloved bloom/lense flares present. How hard is it to realise this? Even a toddler could know.

Perfection inside



At this point, the only reasonable explanation for the perpetuous changes to lighting that all make it worse or just differentl kind of bad is that they lost their lighting director since H2016 and now there is noone left that knows which parameters cause what outcome.

That’s really worrying to hear. Blunt question: can’t they just hire a new one? Are they really planning to fuck around with the lighting until we give up? It’s quite unprofessional and it doesn’t do their game any good.

I kinda doubt there is a “lightning” director.

There is probably someone responsible for the Interface that designers use to set the map look. And even if that person leaves there must be documentation as obviously the new maps managed to archieve what they want them to look like.

The designers who use this interface are not the one who programmed this interface.

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We just need Stefania Hernandez (aka the Lighting boss) to fix Sapienza :pray:

She didn’t work on the base sapienza map according to artstation.


What game(s) is/are these?
Latest Mafia or anything else?

I’m not gonna lie, trawling the web to find individual developers and working out if they did or did not work on a level goes way beyond normal behaviour.

Can we go back to just discussing the lighting without idek the weird stalking?


For the record I feel like Sapienza is like a wikipedia edit war between two people, both want things their way so they’ll wait a few patches and ‘fix’ it their way.

I must admit though, crushing all levels down into 60GB probably came with some compromises, it’s just a case of working out whether or not it’d be worth it to change things for one level in particular instead of making gradual engine improvements that affect all levels.


I want to point out that this vote is likely incorrect.

First, here’s the vote:

This picture was posted as the original lighting before the vote. It was much later that it was pointed out it was edited.

Not to mention that another edited picture has been used as a comparison right after the vote. And unlike in this thread, it never mentioned that it was edited.

I changed my vote after I realized how the actual OG lighting looked.


Mafia 3. Hard to see online, but when you play it, its blurry, looks washed out and grey in grey. Reshade gave it vibrant colors, clear sky and removed all washing effects entirely. Its a mirical. I wonder if Reshade can fix Hitman 3 too.


Maybe the simplest explanation is IOI thinks it looks better and it’s their game.


Not to be contrarian, but I like the original lighting specifically WITHOUT the quoted color grading. The leaves in particular are a huge improvement imo since they look like actual fauna, rather than something from a fantasy world. Maybe it’s because I’m a sucker for the “filmic look” but I prefer the reduced color contrast in pretty much every level.
H2’s levels always seemed to “pop”, but to me never felt as “real” as what I played back in 2016. However, messing around with gamma+reshade I got subtle results I was actually pretty happy with. Maybe it’s just the insane bloom, maybe its all in my head, I’ve spent far too much time trying to figure out this crap :smile:









Current progress on the shading mod:

Thats what you wanted right? Am I doing it right?

Maybe but they’ve changed it before back in both 2018 and 2019 because everyone thought it looked bad.