List of new things in HITMAN 3

I bet it’s included so it’s easier for you to see/remember which foods were poisoned with which poisons.

I’ve never had a time where I needed to see what poison I’m using, but I guess I understand the thought process behind this decision.


Yeah, I know, but like you I can’t think of a situation where I’ve needed that or that I ever will need it. :sweat_smile:

I’m not bothered by it though. I know it’s only a clue for the player and not something that’s really there, however it would be neat if they added a setting in the options to turn it off.


I found the smoke useful once in Dubai when I tried to poison someone’s drink & they didn’t react to it. I would have given up on that idea if the smoke wasn’t still on the glass, indicating that they hadn’t actually drank it. Turns out there were 2 glasses in the same place & they were using the other one.


Ah, was it this bar location in Dubai?

Yeah that’s the one!

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Unfortunatly only in ‘blend in’ and i’m guessing not everywhere.

Ezra berg, and the virus in Sapienza loading pictures have changed they look sick!


I take back everything I said about this game not having unique unlocks. Have you TRIED the “Hwk21 Homemade Silencer”? It’s my new favorite gun!:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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There’s one less camera in Hawkes’ Bay, they removed the one outside the pool room, pointing to the beach.

And yes,a s mentioned before, the hood removal off the prisoner in Marrakesh is really weird. The disguised used to have a similar effect as the blindfolded artists in Sgail. Think that’s a glitch, hope they’ll bring back the hood.


It has to be a glitch. The way Zaydan knows the target as one of his personal death squad, it would be wierd for him to not recognice that its not him.

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Maybe the new head was clipping through the prisoners mask and they were in a hurry so they got rid of it.

It’s a new thing that you can no longer shoot someone in the leg and then KO them while they’re on the ground and I hope it’s not intentional.


Son of a bitch, I thought I was doing something wrong. That was one of my favorite things to do :laughing:


I’ll give you one example.

For a number of contracts which required you to kill the Sapienza Clown, you could spike the water bottle he drinks from for a lethal kill or emetic to get him secluded.

BUT, there are 2 bottle of water, a glitch… right behind one another. I haven’t checked in H3 if they’re still there but if you hover over the bottle and move slightly, you’ll notice there are in fact 2 bottles to poison.


you can, but you have to shoot them twice


That is such a strange change
(RIP powerful pistols that kill in 2 shots. Can’t do this anymore.)

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Having a visual indicator of which bottle you’ve poisoned doesn’t help you at all in picking which of the two bottles to poison

The double bottle glitch is an issue (think I’ve seen a new version of it in H3)

The poison smoke visuals are a good addition

But they don’t really relate to eachother. The visual smoke really is just more feedback to the player about their actions (like plugs sparking). Which in a video game is obviously very important. So I don’t think it was added to solve any real ‘problem’, just an ease of life addition

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I found shooting legs and throwing a non-lethal score they got up to work out

The glass in the Bank for the “mirror, mirror” challenge is now bulletproof and can’t be shot through with a pistol. Gonna try a sniper rifle later. Not sure if this is a bug or intentional change, I posted it in the bug thread just in case.

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Yeah for some reason IOI loves making things bullet proof. The mirror in Colombia, the Sauna window in Hokkaido and now this. Which is ridiculous as you’re SUPPOSED to shoot through it.

One thing I will say is great is Slam Dunk and Tuppence are both gone. :+1: