How to configurate Classic Hitman games on Win10

The game runs just fine with GLDirect, I just beat Massacre at the Restaurant and the Lee Hong assassination and C47 is OGL 1.2 anyway

If the Ultimate ASI Loader dll could be renamed to OpenGL32.dll, perhaps GLDirect and ASI Loader could be used together with DSOAL.

I forgot that GLDirect probably uses the same dll

Does GLDirect convert OpenGL 1.x calls to DirectX9? Try renaming the Ultimate ASI Loader dll to d3d9.dll
I’ve tried, it doesn’t work.

There are new widescreen fixes for Hitman 2: Silent Assassin and Hitman: Contracts, basically a combination of the widescreen patches that we’ve been using already and a d3d8->d3d9 wrapper that allows to configure Anti-aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering:

Nexusmods (registration required) :

PCGW Mirror:

Anisotropic Filtering and Anti-Aliasing are claimed to be enabled in the description, however I checked the dxwrapper config file and it has some sort of AA enabled and AF isn’t enabled, but can be.
For further configuration of this particular wrapper, check this Wiki:


This is a plug-n-play solution for Widescreen and compatibility fixes. It also wraps DSound and I don’t know what that means for enabling EAX with ALchemy or DSOAL.


There is also one for C47: