It’s too late now. The window of relevancy has passed.
Welp, I still do believe it’s worth a shot, even if it’s a bit pointless (what’s life without a little forlorn hope?)
The fact that this even happened makes me think that one or more of the people in charge of IOI’s socials aren’t native speakers. Because if you think about it, someone who only knew a few words could possibly see that and think it was a positive thing. It seems like a bit of a stretch, but I’ve talked to non-native speakers who don’t fully understand the negative prefixes like dis-, in-, and un-.
But hey, that’s just a theory, a Game Theory. End me now.
Even if true, you’d think someone would at least press Play and watch at least 30-60 seconds of the video before sharing it. It just shows that standards are going down the toilet across multiple aspects of IO Interactive in recent times.
But still - and as absolute clownshoes of a mistake as sharing drib’s video was - our main ire should be firmly directed at the hostile, anti-consumer business practices that are becoming increasingly commonplace at IOI. Moreso than some social media incompetence, that’s the real problem that needs addressing.
Couldn’t have put it better myself.
I’ve had to talk myself out of making a sequel video to this in recent days, mostly because we all know about it, so there’s no need to acknowledge it right now in video form. I hope and pray that come March, they see the light and realise that making a single-location its own edition was a horrible idea that was only done as a short-term profit move.
If IOI says it wants to listen to the players, then fucking listen to the players!
“We are listening! I promise you!”. You are? Then act like it!. And if you are listening to us, then that’s only half the formula here. Actions speak louder than words, that’s how the saying goes, no?
It’s fine to cherry-pick as to what you respond to, that’s only reasonable, but this is a large issue that I don’t think anyone but the glaziest of IOI’s Glazing fans finds acceptable. Everyone else saw it for the money-grubbing motive, not to make new players have another entry point motive. It’s a large issue that should be resolved, not one to be ignored until you can no longer justify keeping the edition up.
Is there a way to see how many people have bought the Sapienza edition? I’m interested to see how it fared against the other editions in the same amount of time.
Only if we’re IOI. Going off reviews: at least 3 people.
Hmm. Well, sounds like a success to me! :p
It’s those three people they were doing this edition for
It’s hilarious how in my region price difference between Part One and Episode: Sapienza is 70 cents. All other Hitman 1 missions are worth only 70 cents.
(you should totally self promote your Hitman edition creator here! / Hitman Edition Creator: Make your own Hitman editions to show IOI how it's done)