IOI, since its expansion, feels drowned in non-creative management.
The kind that wants to prove its existence by making new changes every six month.
I hope the only reason we see non-creative action is because it’s Hitman and creatives are busy with Project 007 and Fantasy.
And in the meantime that they are aware enough to not make let it shape their institutional behaviour and preferences.
If not, there are precedents, like Ubisoft. It ends badly for the company.
I feel this so much. Back in summer 2024 - a low-point in relations between IOI and its fans (certainly on this forum, at least) - I said this:
This one’s harder to quantify and more just vibez-based, but I just get the feeling that as IOI are expanding both in terms of studio locations and headcount, they’re becoming more ‘corporate’, and not in a good way. For the last few years, the IOI social media channels have felt much, MUCH more like a Linkedin advert to attract potential employee recruits than they have been a tool to excite the fanbase and engage in meaningful dialogue with them. The culture that they present just seems much more slick and ‘business-y’ these days, and I have much less of a feeling that they’re looking to connect with their fans…
And I think it’s ringing truer than ever right now. I’m an accountant IRL and absolutely an uncreative ‘suit’, and it feels like IOI are being run by a bunch of suits at the moment. I don’t like it one bit.