Hitman Target Championship - Heat III

Carl Ingram [23]
Marcus Stuyvesant [26]
Alexa Carlisle [34]
Agent Chamberlin [1]
Agent Davenport [20]
Agent Green [15] -2
Agent Montgomery [22]
Agent Swan [17]
Agent Tremaine [19]
Hush [21]
Don Archibald Yates [32]
Tamara Vidal [29] +1
Arthur Edwards [27]


If Agent Green gets kicked out in the H3 heat I’m going to ragequit the target championships.
What is it with people ignoring low agents to down green!!! :frowning:


Carl Ingram [23]
Marcus Stuyvesant [26]
Alexa Carlisle [34]
Agent Chamberlin [0] - 1
Agent Davenport [20]
Agent Green [16] + 1
Agent Montgomery [22]
Agent Swan [17]
Agent Tremaine [18] - 1
Hush [21]
Don Archibald Yates [32]
Tamara Vidal [29]
Arthur Edwards [27]

While I can’t understand why you would spend so much of your time supporting Agent Green, I know how it feels to have something you like belittled and insulted by others JUST BECAUSE THEY DON’T HAVE A HELICOPTER KILL!

So go ahead @linux_penguin! Keep doing what you do!


Dubai’s great. Very beautiful, and has some of the best disguise type variants (best guard design etc is what I mean by this)
Keep in mind everyone that Agent Swan doen’t have a helicopter kill :eyes: and you can kill Agent Green with Tremaine.


Neither does Green lol.Also,why Swan specifically and not another agent?

Anyways,I have a better idea.What if all Berlin fans would unite to save all the remaining agents and downvote Edwards instead.He is a static target which can be killed in a really limited amount of ways unlike the remaining agents in Berlin.

So,do we make a deal?


laughs in Codename 47



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I wanted Agent Monty to make it through and Imogen Royce to not make it through. Beyond that I didn’t care much which other agents made/didn’t make it.

There was probably an opportunity there to make a devils deal to get me to help down or up vote one of them but I would have wanted your sword in the next round; no one asked though. Also, I’m not sure saving a Berlin target who will most likely go out next round is worth that kind of deal :joy:

it absolutely is!

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Make me an offer then my dude.

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Carl Ingram [23]
Marcus Stuyvesant [26]
Alexa Carlisle [34]
Agent Davenport [20]
Agent Green [16]
Agent Montgomery [22]
Agent Swan [15] -2
Agent Tremaine [18]
Hush [22] +1
Don Archibald Yates [32]
Tamara Vidal [29]
Arthur Edwards [27]


Carl Ingram [23]
Marcus Stuyvesant [26]
Alexa Carlisle [35] +1
Agent Davenport [20]
Agent Green [16]
Agent Montgomery [22]
Agent Swan [13] -2
Agent Tremaine [18]
Hush [22]
Don Archibald Yates [32]
Tamara Vidal [29]
Arthur Edwards [27]


Carl Ingram [23]
Marcus Stuyvesant [26]
Alexa Carlisle [34]-1
Agent Davenport [20]
Agent Green [16]
Agent Montgomery [21]-1
Agent Swan [14]+1
Agent Tremaine [18]
Hush [22]
Don Archibald Yates [32]
Tamara Vidal [29]
Arthur Edwards [27]

Why did you down vote Alexa and upvote a random Berlin agent?


Carl Ingram [23]
Marcus Stuyvesant [26]
Alexa Carlisle [34]
Agent Davenport [20]
Agent Green [16]
Agent Montgomery [22] +1
Agent Swan [12] -2
Agent Tremaine [18]
Hush [22]
Don Archibald Yates [32]
Tamara Vidal [29]
Arthur Edwards [27]

If my calculations are correct, we only have one target left to eliminate before we can move on. I suggest focusing on the one closest to zero, which currently is (somewhat unfortunately) Agent Swan, so we can get out of this hell.

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Yeah, now that you mention that…

Carl Ingram [22] -1
Marcus Stuyvesant [25] -1
Alexa Carlisle [34]
Agent Davenport [20]
Agent Green [16]
Agent Montgomery [22]
Agent Swan [12]
Agent Tremaine [18]
Hush [23] +1
Don Archibald Yates [32]
Tamara Vidal [29]
Arthur Edwards [27]


Next round will be more exciting. It starts the rounds with more than one game in them (=

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