I only have 17 ducks and one explosive first emperor of France.
I also found one in the latest matrix trailer.
I only have 17 ducks and one explosive first emperor of France.
I also found one in the latest matrix trailer.
You know what, I think I’m too busy, sorry everyone
Someone else can take my go
Anyone up for taking my go? I gave it up a week ago haha
(It would have been in the Dubai kitchen if anyone is wondering)
Did anyone ever find every duck (and other explosive) in @Crewdy s pic?
So according to my original file, I have 17 marked (plus one Napoleon Blownapart) and @LandirtHome marked them all perfectly!
I can sort one out now!
Ok, here we go! Hopefully this one isn’t too tough.
Ducks hidden:
P.S. sorry about the garden, it’s a bit of a mess.
EDIT: Remote Explosive Duck (MK2 potentially) on the left and either a Remote Concussion Rubber Duck or a Pale Duck on the right.
someone else can have my turn
Well damn, I thought that was going to be a lot harder both correct!
@Ingvar for future reference!
That white duck in the white cup was a very clever hide!
Since it was confirmed that crewdie made us hunt 17 ducks and not 18 as I tought, I will do the next one. It’s on Xbox, so the resolution is not that great unfortunately.
There are two ducks and one bonus animal sneaking in this private greenhouse.
And remember we are in the season of gluttony.
That’s my guess, and the bonus animal (wherever it may be) is either a Kiwi or a Snail methinks.
Also, uploading to pasteboard is a must IMO, regardless of the original quality the forum really compresses it.
You have the ducks. You do not have the bonus animal.
Image uploaded to pasteboard and original post updated.
Yes. Placing it upside down made me chuckle a bit. And it’s very snail like.
It was an easy hunt, but you have it.
Congratulations !
Once again someone else may take my turn.
(I may or may not have Hitman 3 installed)