Hideout [12]
A Vintage Year [19]-2
Curtains Down [20]
Flatline [21]
A New Life [23]
The Murder of Crows [23]
You Better Watch Out… [20]
Death on the Mississippi [20]
Til Death Do Us Part [18]
A House of Cards [24]+1
A Dance with the Devil [22]
Amendment XXV [20]
Requiem [17]
Hideout [12]
A Vintage Year [20] +1
Curtains Down [20]
Flatline [21]
A New Life [23]
The Murder of Crows [23]
You Better Watch Out… [20]
Death on the Mississippi [20]
Til Death Do Us Part [18]
A House of Cards [24]
A Dance with the Devil [22]
Amendment XXV [18] -2
Requiem [17]
So you are telling me that you’re downvoting AVY while such abominations like Hideout, Murder of Crows, Death on the Mississippi, Dance with the Devil, Amendment XXV and Requiem still persist. Shameful behaviour, I must say.
And yes, I dislike Dance with the Devil and Murder of Crows. Come at me.
Hideout [12]
A Vintage Year [18]
Curtains Down [20]
Flatline [21]
A New Life [23]
The Murder of Crows [21] -2
You Better Watch Out… [20]
Death on the Mississippi [21] +1
Til Death Do Us Part [18]
A House of Cards [24]
A Dance with the Devil [22]
Amendment XXV [18]
Requiem [17]
At least Hideout can actually be fun sometimes
Hideout [12]
A Vintage Year [18]
Curtains Down [20]
Flatline [21]
A New Life [23]
The Murder of Crows [22] +1
You Better Watch Out… [20]
Death on the Mississippi [21]
Til Death Do Us Part [18]
A House of Cards [24]
A Dance with the Devil [22]
Amendment XXV [16]-2
Requiem [17]
I’m not a huge fan of this one either. I understand the symbolism, but really, from a design point of view, the decision to have the level split into 2 halves seperated by a long lift ride really should of been shot down the moment it was proposed.
Ok,well I am not the biggest fan of A dance with the devil and it is not even in my top 5 BM missions,but it deserves to advance for the rival assassin idea,the awesome disguises,the awesome atmosphere and obviously for the pyrotechnic show.
(Also,if your struggling to find new ways to kill the targets,in case you didn’t know,you can shoot them nonlethally to make them come to your position,but they will act clueless and they won’t start shooting at you.This can be really useful in this mission.)
However,talking like that about probably the best BM mission(Murder of the crows) is truly unacceptable.
Hideout,Death on the Mississippi and Requiem(meh missions) will be eliminated sooner or later,so it’s not my problem.
Amendment XXV,unlike the missions I mentioned above is an ok mission,because I love the atmosphere.Gameplaywise,it is…meh.I wouldn’t mind seeing it advance,but @MrOchoa will probably take care of it by then.
I only want to take care of the weak overrated missions like AVY before it is too late.Last time it ended up being the third best mission in the whole game because others were too busy taking care of other missions.It won’t happen again.
And if you are wondering why I dislike AVY:

I only want to take care of the weak overrated missions like AVY before it is too late.Last time it ended up being the third best mission in the whole game because others were too busy taking care of other missions.
I was one of the main reasons it stayed for so long haha. I added 1 point (or was it 2 points that time?) every time I had the opportunity to and it managed to reach 34 or 36, something like that. Everyone else was battling to preserve their own favourites while AVY slipped past them all.
As funny as that was, I don’t think it was entirely undeserved. While you are correct in pretty much every assessment you made in that thread, I am of the opinion that easy missions are the best (though sometimes I love difficult ones like Bjarkhov that hurt the brain) because that’s where players are the most free to think of their own methods for dispatching targets or infiltration. The Don’s hacienda is an early example of the modern swiss cheese design. You can enter his house from 6 different paths and at least 4 of those branch off to different possibilities. Manuel can be made to follow you anywhere on the map which result in funny strats like pushing both targets off the same railing within seconds of each other.
I do agree that the exit is horrible and it’s the main reason why I think A New Life is objectively speaking a better level.
Hideout [12]
A Vintage Year [18]
Curtains Down [20]
Flatline [21]
A New Life [23]
The Murder of Crows [22]
You Better Watch Out… [20]
Death on the Mississippi [21]
Til Death Do Us Part [18]
A House of Cards [25]+1
A Dance with the Devil [22]
Amendment XXV [14]-2
Requiem [17]

(Also,if your struggling to find new ways to kill the targets,in case you didn’t know,you can shoot them nonlethally to make them come to your position,but they will act clueless and they won’t start shooting at you.This can be really useful in this mission.
I remember trying to do that with Maynard John in ADWTD, but I accidentally killed him in the middle of a crowd so I had to reload a save. Does that actually count as SA assuming that is the only thing that happened during the mission?

I remember trying to do that with Maynard John in ADWTD, but I accidentally killed him in the middle of a crowd so I had to reload a save. Does that actually count as SA assuming that is the only thing that happened during the mission?
Obviously no.That happens only in H2:SA and Contracts(a body found=an alert and an alert doesn’t ruin the rating).That’s not the case in Blood Money though because the rating system is very different(yeah Blood Money has a very forgiving rating system,but not THAT forgiving though,so a body found=no SA).
Hideout [10]-2
A Vintage Year [21]+1
Curtains Down [20]
Flatline [21]
A New Life [23]
The Murder of Crows [22]
You Better Watch Out… [20]
Death on the Mississippi [21]
Til Death Do Us Part [18]
A House of Cards [25]
A Dance with the Devil [22]
Amendment XXV [14]
Requiem [17]
AVY should have 21, somehow @TheContractor reduced it to 18 when it should have been 20.

AVY should have 21, somehow @TheContractor reduced it to 18
my mistake tho, sorry. Good spot
I’ll spot any foul play if it’s convenient for my cause - getting AVY to the Top 10 at least.
On the other hand, if something were to happen to Dance with the Devil…
Hideout [10]
A Vintage Year [21]
Curtains Down [20]
Flatline [21]
A New Life [23]
The Murder of Crows [22]
You Better Watch Out… [20]
Death on the Mississippi [21]
Til Death Do Us Part [18]
A House of Cards [25]
A Dance with the Devil [22]
Amendment XXV [15] +1
Requiem [15] -2
Hideout [9] -1
A Vintage Year [21]
Curtains Down [20]
Flatline [21]
A New Life [24] +1
The Murder of Crows [22]
You Better Watch Out… [20]
Death on the Mississippi [21]
Til Death Do Us Part [18]
A House of Cards [25]
A Dance with the Devil [22]
Amendment XXV [15]
Requiem [14] -1
Hideout [8] -1
A Vintage Year [21]
Curtains Down [20]
Flatline [21]
A New Life [24]
The Murder of Crows [23]+1
You Better Watch Out… [20]
Death on the Mississippi [21]
Til Death Do Us Part [18]
A House of Cards [25]
A Dance with the Devil [22]
Amendment XXV [14]-1
Requiem [14]
Hideout [8]
A Vintage Year [21]
Curtains Down [20]
Flatline [21]
A New Life [24]
The Murder of Crows [23]
You Better Watch Out… [20]
Death on the Mississippi [19] -2
Til Death Do Us Part [18]
A House of Cards [25]
A Dance with the Devil [22]
Amendment XXV [15] +1
Requiem [14]
I think this is going to be an interesting heat. Once Hideout is gone, we still have 4 more missions to eliminate.
Guess if we’re going down the road of controversial opinions, I don’t really care much for Curtains Down. Like the idea, but it feels awkward to navigate the level, and the gun kill takes forever to set up and execute. I want to like A House of Cards more but again, at times that level can feel fairly slow. Amendment XXV is fine but I don’t think you can really do too much in it do the high security and difficulty.
Saying that though, Flatline all the way to Til Death Do Us Part, I think are all great levels. Those levels, plus A Vintage Year, I would replay all the time back when I got Blood Money in 2009/2010.
I am aware of the rationale for the inclusion of levels like Training Facility and Hideout but I think they just slow down the game as they’re just easy dumping grounds for negative points.
I hope Arrival isn’t included when we reach WOA.
When you say Arrival, you mean that tiny little walkable area on the helicopter pad? No, that won’t be included. When we hit WOA, it’ll be Freeform Training for the Yacht and The Final Test for Cuba.
I include these levels because someone would complain if I didn’t. Although mind you there seems like there is a lot less nitpicking this time around than over 3 years ago on the old forum. I still remember the debacle of 1 or 2 guys wanting to use decimal points and I had to literally make a rule against that.