Hitman Fan Art Gallery

I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, so I finally decided to to it today: Putting all my Heads a complete Spritesheet. I got Disclaimers though, the first one being that I finally decided to get rid of the east and southeuropian Heads and add them to Caucasian, which I originally didn’t do, because of the
first seven Heads I made which were inspired by one and the same Game and I didn’t wanted to break them apart, but now with Hitman and even Custom Heads in the MIx, it really doesn’t matter anymore.

Secondly, the Redacted and Unique NPC Heads are not included here, since unlike the Heads displayed here, I’m not activily trying to build them out. In there just land Heads from major Characters that are too good to be used just once like head_guntherokeke or head_viktorhoffmann, two of my personal favorites.

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Feel free to let me know your personal favorite Head or Heads, if you like.

Also, below I wrote a list of sources from which this Heads where inspired from. The first TWO Persons who correctly post Screenshots of the NPC Faces in Question, gets to choose another NPC Face from the Boldprinted Games below, which I will try to recreate in my style.

Sources of Inspiration, in Order of Appearence:
Hitman 2
Hitman 2016
Hitman 3
The Walking Dead: Road to Survival
Paint The Town Red
Garry’s Mod
Saints Row 2
Mafia 2


I’m not feeling like myself at the moment and to make matters worse, I was sick for one week and had much stress at work. That’s why I’m not posting so much recently. But I made this picture of Grey and 47 for a request at my Tumblr blog and wanted to share it with you, too :relaxed:


The Hispanic 40s on the left is my mood recently, so I like him the most

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Good Ol’ Seymour, not a bad choice and currently I can relate to the stress part you talk about, so I would problably go with head_viktorhoffmann as a mood Showcase for me rn xD.
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Sharing 101 with 47(Read Right-to-Left)


Wonderful fanart of Diana from kvoinre on subreddit


I started to extend my Head Table again today and since I was playing bit of Marrakesh lately anyway, I thought Arabic is a good place to start.

Drokas or head_arabic_70s_01, was the first one I did. He turned out alright I say, even though my version has sleept a bit more than the original xD. That being said, my version does look alot older I think, which is why I went with 70s, instant of 60s.

Kay who is seen above was meant to be next, so I a few minutes after starting I noticed that it’s not gonna work out with a Hat covering everything above the Eyes, so I’m gonna have to find a Hatless NPC with it or undress him…

I still wanted to make something of the Head Shape, I prepared, so I made Ken or head_arabic_20s_02 instead, fully made up on the spot and looking pretty good at it.

A few other Heads I plan to do even include Crowd NPCs, so here’s who I plan to do the coming Weeks.

Lukas ✓

Lyla ✓

Lisa ✓





Edit: Today is quite the day. While I’m on one-hand starting to wonder if Drokas is for keeping, since he’s kinda all over the place I did made a Lukas and Lyla now and I’m really satisfied with em’:

Lukas or head_arabic_30s_04 was a Head I had on my To-Do List for God Know’s How Long, though I never got around to him for some reason. Having done him now, I’m glad he turned out good, especially because it allowed me to finally make Lukas Himmeltrap, my first ever ET Mission Target before Mods where even a thing I did.

Lyla or head_arabic_40s_02 was a Head I also had planned for a longer time, but didn’t do since I couldn’t think of a imediate purpose and because I was afraid to not suceed like with her Coworker(?) Getrud, who I ironicially did almost a Year ago. Well, in end she turned out great, maybe even better than Getrud, so that might be the feeling of something newish. Getrud for comparison:


nice faces.
it looks like a good chunk of those people need more sleep though (and who can blame them, with that annoying constant singing in Marrakesh)


Thanks :slight_smile:.

Yeah, though I would argue that the Shopkeepers aren’t completely innocent in keeping the City awake either xD.

Not my work, but German Cartoonist Joscha Sauer just uploaded a cartoon that perfectly fits Hitman. I edited the picture to have English translated text:

EDIT: I should link the original source



Been kind of a busy Week though I “only” finished one other Face with Lisa. She was actually harder to do to, then it seems do to the surroundings of her Eyes being alot darker then the rest of her Skin. Infact, I had to tone it down alot for my version, since otherwise she looked like a racoon.
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Looks like someone been playing too much Assassin’s Creed. This is not a cosplay event. Please step back sir!


Today is sixth anniversary of episode Colorado! :partying_face:
So there is a little party in the farm house meanwhile :^D

Version without text:


P.S: As for last time, Penelope took a shot of cupcake for Ezra who was busy at that moment с:
(And it’s not because I don’t have Ezra’s model :joy:)


Top notch work, as always! :star_struck:


I was also working on a more NSFW version (that I obviously wouldn’t share here), but that’s above my current skill level. :joy:

Need to revisit this in a year or so.


this freelancer delay is fantastic news for my art brain. Means I’ll have more time to finish up my series of 7DS Art pieces. I psyched myself out too much by thinking every one needed to be bigger/better/more detailed than the last one, which is partly why it’s taken me soo long to get to continuing it. And I’ve been meaning to redo the background to Envy because it felt very basic compared to Gluttony and Lust that came before it, and I’d be feeling guilty if I move on to the last Sin before I’m satisfied with it.


Anyway, I was worried that with Freelancer on the horizon/this or next month, I’d become too overwhelmed with trying to figure out some ideas before it comes out, where I’d then lose all motivation (feel like I 'missed my chance) and it’d never get done.
I’ll see what I can do about creating a good background for it this month, then maybe I can finally get to Wrath which I’ve had a concept piece sitting in my head for nearly a year now.

It’s silly self-sabotage, yeah, but I just need to work on that



This is just brilliant!


Many thanks @H_I_T_M_A_N_Statue_F :slight_smile: