HITMAN - December 2024 Patch Notes

I know, I can’t believe it!!! :open_mouth::open_mouth:

Awesome to see a new weapon wall for the Safehouse and finally the coin is fixed!!

IOI have most definitely delivered with this!! :raised_hands:t2:


Somethings… off…


Now doesn’t that look better?


Did you find a fix yet, i have the same problem. :frowning:

Awesome but I don’t find any info on this in the link or on Twitch.

I have issues starting the game after the update on Epic. I start it, but then the Epic pops up again. It’s not starting.

I already deinstalled all mods, it’s still not starting. anyone else having these issues?



That’s just a chair made of carbonite, I see nothing wrong here.

Glad you finally got your wish, dude.
Now we need the Tactleneck With Gloves for @Heisenberg.
And the PS5 saving bug fixed for @thrison.
And a proper, fully featured Offline mode for


By deinstalling mods, did you mean you disabled them in SMF? If so, this may help:

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Let’s also fix the Hokkaido map in the garden (if it is still broken?) and add the Freelancer Bangkok exit by the side garden in the main campaign extra please!

I’m sure there’s a few last remaining pesky bugs we have been asking for a while. Should make a fresh wishlist for 2025? I’d personally recommend adding the ability to use the Taxis in Mumbai in Freelancer for 50-500 Merces and also enable higher ammo amounts to be brought in missions with you too. Freelancer-wise, the amount of ammo you get in a sniper is too low in my opinion compared to the main campaign. 6/14 rounds in a Sieger 300 as opposed to 6/36 rounds in the same gun you’d use in main campaign missions.


What do you mean by this? What is so annoying about it?

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The Street Art and Makeshift weapons don’t count toward Prestiging. So you can either a) buy them and essentially waste your Merces since they aren’t needed, or b) not buy them and they clutter up the shops making it harder to get other items you need to spawn.


The wall of Trinity items and DLC items also did not count towards Prestige as when I first booted up Freelancer, I was still able to Prestige to the next level whilst having a new empty table of weapons. I think that may be the way going forward which is probably best as otherwise it would just take longer to prestige with all the extra weapons!

Respect brother!! :grin::facepunch:t2:

Yeah I know, hopefully we get them for @Heisenberg and @thrison


and we are happy to share that another roadmap is planned to release after The Splitter ends its run

I guess this pretty much means Year 5 confirmed!! :raised_hands:t2::grin:


Is there a common way to wear these suits in the rain or is this a service to modders?

The suits are recent challenge unlocks, so you can wear them in Chongqing to your heart’s content.


Really loving the Chirstmas stuff and I don’t even decorate my house for it.


Sorry for all my newbie questions, have been out of the loop for a bit. Thank you for your patience and answers!

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