Hitman 3, Year 2 - November Roadmap

Or better yet, a pen you can actually stab with, while carrying it around openly and not arousing suspicion since it’s not illegal to carry a pen!

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Because those who already unlocked Florida Fit and the pen also appreciate something new :wink:


Hu, the roadmap is earlier than I thought. I guess thursday was rejected for being in the middle of the CTT.
A good surprise, the first of multiple.

First : FLORIDA FIT ! My beloved

:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Finally, my suit collection will be completed.

Lots of unlocks, all interesting. And some fan favourite, and some old wishes were granted. I think I saw the nitroglycerine being asked the whole time I was on the forum. And I’m certain it started way before. Good on the team (and on them looking at the community)

Ancestral Pen is more of a surprise, I would have thought the “normal” Explosive Pen would have come instead.

Explosions!/10, will enjoy them.

:boom: :firecracker:

Finally, I am genuinely surprised by the new escalation. I thought it was an old cut concept, so seeing it fully realised is, again, a good surprise.

I know a bunch of people were talking about the disappearance of escalations in Year Two in the leak category. This is a nice way to answer it.

But I do hope Travis realises that from now on, asking for an Ambrose Island escalation will never stop.

A great roadmap. Love it.


Briefing-Based selections… Yay…

Not Based


The Florida Fit with Gloves gave people who beat The Undying bragging rights for eliminating one of Sean Bean’s characters. A special unlock must be retroactively awarded only to those who beat The Undying or The Undying Returns and never available for anyone else to restore those rights.

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You do come up with the most demanding things, don’t you?


Very nice Roadmap! Florida Fit w/ :point_up: gluhloves! and a (reskinned) explosive pen. In a way - missed H2 content has been brought back.

The Big Bad Wolf suit… This immediately makes me think of all the Rude Ruby related gear - since it has that Little Red Riding Hood character associated with it. :flushed: Does this mean a slew of Big Bad Wolf related gear to offset the RR stuff is down the road?

The FC theme seems like a fun idea. Roadmaps as of late be like :chart_with_upwards_trend:


Everyone stop!
We’re clearly supposed to keep all of this on the downlow.


I never realised, even in the leak, that this suit had white gloves.

I am now intrigued by it.


I’m still hoping we get that set of items as rewards or unlocks later on at some point. The outfit for it is so cool and it’s a shame that it’s not something most players can even see, much less get currently.

Nah it would just be a worse version of the goldbrick proximity mine then. Besides the explosive pen is an item that most players don’t have access to, so it’s not nearly as overdone as other reskins

Not a bad roadmap with some good unlocks. I’m content.
Edit: I like escalations and I’m happy for more.

While we’re on the subject of pens, I’d really love a pen unlock that is a placeable “pen and stand” item that I could place on any flat surface and get the “impale on pen” prompt whenever any npc walks within a close range.

It’s such a cool kill that only exists a handful of times in the game, and it’d just be great to have that unique item in our inventory for killing other targets with.

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Nothing in this game should have ever been locked behind anything else. Everything in it should be available for everybody. Brag about how you play; don’t brag about having a reward.


So boring, nothing really new. Why don’t ioi give cheeseburger? It’s as practical as banana!!!

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Probably another good reason not to have mandatory kill conditions like in the escalations. Being able to trigger insta-fail for not using the exploding pen while wearing the Florida Fit with Gloves would basically give those who beat The Undying the ability to rub it in.

That part is really all you need. :wink:


47 with the worst Catwoman-Cosplay I’ve ever seen:


Still no Sensation )=


Maybe he’ll appear in the Arcade? Given that IO is still unsure if a Y3 is going to happen, time is running out for them to add the missing targets to the Arcade before Y2 comes to an end (assuming the Arcade contracts batches end with Y2). There’s only November, December and January left, so there’s not many spots left either for him (and others) to take.


How many are we still missing ? I know the Sensation, Sean Bean and the Gary’s but the general consensus is those last two won’t reappear. Any other non celebrity ones?

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