HITMAN 3 - Steam Release

I’ll say it again, there have been many Epic exclusives in the past that also had a great launches on Steam.

Speaking of Steam Sale Holdouts, didn’t Hitman 3 have a sale on Steam a few weeks after release? Why didn’t people rush to buy it then?

You were saying? (video by @Danger_dog_guy_7) And that’s a 2016 level. How could they mess up a level from 2016?!

When was the last time IO released a game update that also included bugfixes? :thinking:

Do you think people that never played a Hitman game, especially one from the WoA trilogy really care about those? Me as a fan that played all main Hitman games never cared about those :person_shrugging:

Another thing to take into consideration is that Hitman along with many stealth based games, is a niche series. It can get all the awards and be talked about for months but if players are not interested in the genre, the game will fall into obscurity and only be slightly popular because of Youtubers making silly videos.

A good example is DEATHLOOP. All those scores of 10 won’t save it at this point…

And let’s not forget that when people talk about Hitman 3, they also talk about the always online aspect of the game which really hurts it in the long run.

We might see the Steam numbers going up when the Freelancer mode gets released, unless IO mucks up that release also…