HITMAN 3: Seven Deadly Sins (NEW DLC)

Bug report thread, BTW i have the same problem with sieger ghost.

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Iā€™ve now played Greed, Pride, Sloth and Lust, and Iā€™ve still got Gluttony, Envy and Wrath to go through.

Brief thoughts so far on the first four Sins:

Thought Pride and especially Lust were both really fun Escalations; Greed was mediocre; and really didnā€™t enjoy the vitality meter in the Sloth Escalation at all.

The Lust suit is great and something Iā€™d be happy to wear on an appropriate main mission. Of the other suits, theyā€™re all pretty fuglyā€¦ but I know that Gluttony is around the corner to truly show me the meaning of a suit so horrible that you hope that someone contracts 47 to eliminate it from the game.

Havenā€™t really played around with any of these yet, but the only thing thatā€™s really catching my eye and making me want to check it out as a tool in the main missions is the Snail from Sloth, which I know has insane utility and can open up a whole raft of new approaches by using it.


Iā€™ve been playing them in order. Iā€™ll replay the 3rd Level for Envy since I still need to kill that last, er, 3rd target with the (recommended) method. Then Iā€™ll move onto Wrath.

From the least to the most favoriteā€¦

Greed: It was okay. I canā€™t say it was one that I hated. But nice in that some of the kills had a bit of strategy rather than just a straightforward kill. I can say I left with a bit more knowledge of the level. So thatā€™s good!

Pride: A matter of choice. Thereā€™s one challenge I still have to unlock. Hubris, I think. This oneā€™s kinda tied with Greed.

Lust: Kind of a long ā€œEscalationā€. Good thing it was a single level. An interesting challenge having safes in different/random locations. It did get tedious after so many retries.

Gluttony: I liked this one since you pretty much had your choice of targets, you could even kill more than what was required and maintain SA.

Envy: Kill So&So quickly a certain way before the other guy does. Itā€™s kinda fun once you get the patterns and timing down.

& Sloth: I did run out of energy several times. But itā€™s not so much about moving slowly as it is about efficiency. I liked finding the best paths to the targets. I even ran a little bit in the 2nd Level. I was able to get the jogger shortly after so it all worked out.

What do I expect with Wrath? Seems like a bit of ā€˜Run and Gunā€™. Sometimes itā€™s fun to let loose.

How I rank the suits, from Least to Most faveā€¦

Gluttony Suit. Not a fan of the cape.
Pride Suit. Mirrors all over. Justā€¦ Nah.
Greed Suit. Itā€™s alrightā€™ish. It still makes me think of some kind of interior for an alien ship or something.
Envy Suit: The cut is okay. The pattern?.. Nah.
Wrath Suit: I donā€™t have it yet, but at least it doesnā€™t seem as busy or crazy as the other suits Iā€™ve listed so far. It seems like it couldā€™ve been an alternate design for the lust suit. It gives me a ā€˜Bad Guys from Absolutionā€™ vibe.
Lust Suit: One of the suits I prefer. Very cool looking.
Sloth Suit. The pattern isā€¦ alright. The cut and way itā€™s worn? I like it a lot.

Edit: I forgot to and wanted to mentionā€¦ Sloth would seem to be the most insidious of the 7. The losing energy trains you really well and quick. :laughing: I played other (missions) afterwards and caught myself still doing what I did in the Sloth escalations.

Final Edit(?): After playing wrathā€¦ I liked it. Was it the best? It could be up there with some fine-tuning of a strat. The voice? ā€¦It made me kinda want to go :shushing_face:


The Wrath suit is basically worth the price of the Wrath DLC. Tried it in a few locations today and itā€™s so good. Gives off major Matrix vibes.

Thereā€™s the thin, small sunglasses, a long coat, and itā€™s all off-black/slightly brown, but virtually indistinguishable from each other (the shirt is clearly brown but youā€™ll be looking at 47ā€™s back most of the time so who cares.


And itā€™s bear themed. That already paid the price.


Letā€™s just celebrate that 2 weeks ago they finally put the entire Sins collection on sale for the first time.


Iā€™m happy for you, king.

My one hope-against-hope is that they embrace the silliness of Hitman again and we get a rubber chicken distraction item in the Year 2 content. :laughing: :crossed_fingers:


I hope they embrace them grim-silly themes again. Shit like the murder of crows and a dance with the devil was ballin back in the day. The only thing in modern hitman that came close was Ezra Berg and the deluxe devil suit.


Hitmansā€™ humor relies a lot on Bathos; something serious juxtaposed with something silly, or otherwise is silly in context. Hitman has this in spades in the trilogy, and part of that is due to the inherently funny situations a bald assassin who doesnā€™t smile gets himself into just to kill his target.

For a few examples; we have silly suits that can be used to complete mission stories (the devil suit, clown suit, vampire magician outfit, flamingo suit, snow festival suit, the shaman etc.), surprisingly seedy locations (Whittleton creek looks all cheery and happy, but all is not as it seems and everyone but the Wilsonsā€™ hold a dark secret; that and thereā€™s a place called a Murder Basement). Even the ETā€™s are generally portrayed as hilarious (The Entertainer is literally called Mr. Giggles and wears a tattoo on his face and has no sense of humor, The Liability is the most accident-prone person possible while clearly not taking his job seriously when he really should; seriously check out his routine sometime, itā€™s darkly hilarious).


Interesting, thanks for sharing! Finally I can give it a proper name. I love this kinda stuff. Although I feel the vast majority of the trilogyā€™s Bathos aspects are way more prominent than they used to be in a way that itā€™s more silly than dark. Older hitman games had sex parties, torture chambers and gang hideouts with questionable outfits. What makes current Hitmanā€™s serious aspects so silly is the dumbass dialogue, which in turn makes everything around it look like a stand-up comedy show.


The WOA Trilogy is a lot more grounded, and weirdly self censors itself (clearly aware of itā€™s teen audience and the rise of Youtube speedrunning is probably why, so itā€™s understandable), so youā€™re not gonna get sex parties or stripclubs anytime soon. Iā€™ve actually been quite surprised at how real-sounding the dialogue is, and the great majority of it isnā€™t funny or trying to be funny; itā€™s meant to sound like a relatable conversation, or thoughts one might have. A lot of it is funny, but thatā€™s when the game wants you to know itā€™s being silly or funny. Go round Mendoza or Sapienza or Paris, and youā€™d be surprised at how serious the dialogue is.

As I mentioned, Bathos relies on both darkness and silliness to work together (or rather the latter intentionally sabotaging the former in order to be funny). Bathos isnā€™t just ā€œsilly for sillinessā€™ sakesā€ or ā€œdark moments and settingsā€; itā€™s a combination that turns it into Bathos. 47, the worlds greatest assassin, the dark messiah of murderers, wearing a flamingo costume to get close to Sierra Knox, is Bathos through and through. The gamesā€™ maps are simply bigger than prior gamesā€™ and so they need to balance the silly stuff with the more realistic aspects of the location its portraying.

There is another jargon term; Narm, which is closely related, but is explicitly about ā€œthis looks silly because it doesnā€™t fit and was never meant toā€, not ā€œthis was intentionally done for humour reasonsā€.


Fair enough. You could very much say the older games are unrealistic, edgy and somewhat childish when handling itā€™s dark themes. I, for one, love that kind of stuff because it truly feels like a dark fantasy. Yes WoA is more realistic than any of the previous Hitman games. The thing is, I got so attached to the silly/dark themes of the old games that that defines what I love in a Hitman game. The current trilogy being more self centered and believable goes against my fantasy of what Hitman should be. (Hence why I love the experiments on the homeless in Chongqing, as it being one of the only things that touches the sickening themes the old games had).

Never the less, I love WoA dearly.


I was hoping for Chongqing to dwelve into those themes as well, but more along the lines of Kane and Lynch (2). The experiments (along with some other elements in the mission) feel a bit too cyberpunkish to me, though it doesnĀ“t bug me as much as it did upon release. I guessā€¦

I love the dialogue in Mendoza, itĀ“s some of the best in the trilogy. If only there werenĀ“t the odd moments like ostensible representatives of U.S. government agencies speaking with a British accentā€¦ :persevere:


This is a weird bump, but hey. Was just looking through some ā€œgame dealsā€ and 7DS is currently 15 USD on Playstation and 12 USD on Steam. Still currently full price on XBOX though hmm.

At 12-15 bucks I think itā€™s worth it for people craving more content. The end.


Iā€™ve noticed all platforms have different sales at different times, etc. And the odd thing is, I canā€™t find any concrete answer, anywhere, as to why. Like not a single thing besides tinfoil hat conspiracy theories and what not on game forums.

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I bought a couple of them last sale and still I felt kinda robbed. But as you said, if you are really craving for contentā€¦

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My best guess would be mandates by console manufacturers to not put a game on sale too much. I could be wrong, but itā€™s the only explanation that makes sense to me.

I donā€™t thing such mandates are on PC storefronts (EGS/ Steam/ GOG), but I think that this may be true to third party sellers to some extent (Green Man Gaming, Fanatical etc.)

Wonder if itā€™s a coincidence that the 7DS pack is only full price on Xbox because itā€™s also the same platform that paid ioi to add Hitman to Gamepass (Microsoft pays to make up for lost sales)?

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That would make sense.

I only posted because Iā€™d never seen either PS or Steam prices that low.

I own everything on PS on my main account, but no 7DS on my alt on Xbox. Either way I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever buy 7DS on Xbox unless itā€™s like ten dollars.

I am more forgiving of the 7DS than many others. I liked a good 5 out of 7 of them. I like most of the suits and unlocks. But yeah, 30 bucks is a lot to ask. Then again, 30 bucks for the Deluxe Pack was bullshit, and I only bought that because Iā€™m a completionist on my PS account and because the preorder was discounted for PS+ members.

I am still bitter over the ā€œart bookā€ which I expected to have concept art and character models and shit, but which was clearly a hastily thrown together story recap. The fact that it wasnā€™t even available until after the game dropped showed me that they didnā€™t even have the thing ready in time and someone had to scramble to photoshop some pictures and text together.

Still bitter about that. But I do love the hunting suit and briefcase :slight_smile:


This is because Iā€™m bored. I donā€™t know if this was done before my time here, but I was thinking about which of the targets in WoA most correspond with the sins, outside the ETs that are tied to them. I gave it some thought and it was difficult, but I think these are the best ones. This doesnā€™t include Bonus Missions, Special Assignments, or Patient Zero, itā€™s just the main storyline targets.

Greed - This a hard one considering the types of targets, but Iā€™m gonna go with primarily Claus Strandberg, Dawood Rangan, Athena Zavalas, Don Yates and the Partners overall.

Pride - Counting this as also meaning vanity, gonna go with Erich Soders, Jorge Franco, Dawood Rangan, Nolan Cassidy and Agent Montgomery

Sloth - Vanya Shah and the Partners, or at least Carl Ingram and Marcus Stuyvesant.

Lust - Dawood Rangan and Ljudmila Vetrova

Gluttony - Alma Reynard, Dawood Rangan and the Washingtons

Envy - Erich Soders and Imogen Royce

Wrath - Silvio Caruso, Jordan Cross, The Malestrom, and Tyson Williams

Have I missed any?