HITMAN 3 - Modding Thread

Please enlighten me on how this works.
How can you create/run a script on a factory-state console?
How have these contracts been made available on console servers?

Go find out:

IOI Staff Member 1: Urben is hacking us. What do we do?
IOI Staff Member 2: Feature his contracts during Christmas.


Just released an All NPCs Have Guns v2.0-preview mod consisting of Paris and Sapienza, I thought some people might want to play with it before I get through all the maps and test/debug/etc…

Basically, I have extended my ‘All NPCs Have Guns’ mod in such a way that any and all of the REPO guns (pistols, snipers, shotguns, and smgs) are now fully selectable via a simple WPF application that I made.

You can find the details here: https://www.nexusmods.com/hitman3/mods/235?tab=posts


please ioi make this a feature

Hi guys, I’m new to modding hitman 3 (well, I only swap outfits with the signature suit at the moment), but I was wondering if anybody knew how to replace the signature suit with Chunk0 outfits, by this I mean when I extend all hash depends from the RPKG tool and then open the folder, there is only Chunk0 files. Normally I delete all of the Chunk0 files in the ALLDEPENDS folder, however, because there are only Chunk0 files, if I deleted them… there would be no file left.

(I’m currently searching through the files to replace the signature suit with that lady that sits next to you on the bench in Sapienza)


Screenshot (60)

This is what the folder looks like when I extract it.

Does the NPC with guns mod change lockdown behaviours for target NPCs?

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That’s a great mode, but i think that it would be way more interesting to have random NPCs being weaponized and not all of them, as it kinda breaks the concept and puts the game in some potential warfare mode :sweat_smile:

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It’s as easy as extracting the .TEMP from chunk0 (or one of the latest chunk0 patches), renaming the .TEMP and .TEMP.meta, and make a chunk0 patch.
No need for repacking the depends.
FYI, I made some scripts that can automate the whole process:


If they’re using the method I’m thinking of then that’s impossible, it’s done by profession (Waiters, Tourists, Formal Guests). But I could be wrong about what they’re doing


Not currently, but it is possible to do though, it is just a bit involved :slight_smile:


I have had plans to either offer an ability to change NPCs into guards with guns on a ‘per NPC’ basis, or as a percetnage of NPCs in general in a given map.

So in the first case you’d be manually selecting individual NPCs by map to either be a guard with a gun or remain a normal NPC, and in the second case you’d be selecting a percentage (0% to 100%) of the total NPCs on a given map that you would like to become guards with guns.

Both are easily possible to achieve.

By the way, I agree, after playing it enough times, the mod as it currently is just becomes a ‘hide behind a corner or in a room’ and try to kill as many NPCs as possible before you die! ROFL!

Just a FYI for all, the mod as it stands along with the improvements mentioned above will be migrating to the new mod framework when it finally releases.


The first part of the Signature Suit Replacement Process is promising to never release the mod on the Nexus.


who have a tool that put sound?
Example to increase sound to Chongqing Restaurant, or Haven island Hut)

It’s not really even worth trying to do, since the program is just pain.

You are amazing, thank you!!

This owns so much! Thank you for making this!

I’m just using the 1.0 version, but it actually works with the Randomizer mod if you are very careful about specifying which weapons are chosen.

The tactical shotgun and fusil g2 can be swapped in and used properly in combat. Most other weapons will cause a crash.

EDIT: I take it back, it crashes pretty consistently :smile:


Finally getting around to applying the PZ ToD changes to main versions of maps

Not as quick and easy as I was hoping for some of them. Will have to be a January update to the mod


Will you try to make WoT with The Author Tod ? It might be some work for the lab (bloom) and the mansion (almost no light at all) but it would be so cool to have a night Sapienza setting for WoT (I think the Icon Tod has lights for the mansion).