HITMAN 3 - Modding Thread

Is there a tutorial of how to swap textures?

Will do a preliminary release soon, which will feature Hawke’s Bay, Chongqing, and Berlin


are you going to remove all the neon? and great work so far!

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I think I’ll leave it, cos they would still keep the lights on while a (day)rave is going on. If I was doing a bonus mission where the place was empty then I’d turn them off

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i think/assume for day-raves they’d only keep the lights on in the places where the sun don’t shine, so mainly the dance-floor. and that these hallway lights would be turned off for energy saving measures, but fair enough. It still looks great so it doesn’t bother me

It’s astonishing how a different lighting changes totally the original map’s mood. Berlin looks nice, especially the woods area.
Awesome work, really.


Available now for PC players!


I’m getting frame drops in Chongqing. Without mod, it’s 60 fps stable throughout. With mod, it’s fluctuating between 45 to 60 in some areas. My PC’s like, nah day Chongqing is too much for me to handle lmao.

Berlin and Daycall work fine though.

P.S. great fucking mod, my man! Can’t wait for night Whittleton Creek.


thats very cool

in your software can you increase add (for example) more neon lights? And More red lights in chongqing map (on night)?


man thats really cool! but its look like morroco or mumbai without neon :smiley:
can i do it also? its a software?

and music \ sound can put chinese music (example) in chongqing map? (music that not in hitman game - from youtube or from another game) its possible? :sweat_smile:

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RPKG Tool v2.17.3 Changelog

  • GUI
    • Hash Calculator
      • Fixed previous hash calculations showing up when copying new ones to the clipboard
      • Removed unnecessary exit button
      • Moved to the Utilities menu
      • Improve resizing behaviour and add minimum width
  • RPKG
    • Package Definition/Thumbs Decryption & Encryption
      • Removed the need of meta files for encrypting
      • Fixed encryption of files by calculating the checksum
      • Added checksum check on decryption of files
    • ResourceLib
      • Update ResourceLib for HITMAN 3
      • Relicense everything under the LGPL.
      • Improve ResourceLib performance and accuracy of JSON generation.
      • Improve ResourceLib performance and accuracy of JSON parsing.
      • Fix an issue where generated resources could cause the game to exhibit weird behavior.
      • Introduce support for generating “compatible” resources to ResourceLib (find more info on the ZHMTools release page).

Download: https://notex.app/rpkg/


Can you make Dubai by night and Berlin by day?
(Edit I just saw that you did Berlin by day, so I am only asking for Dubai by night.)

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Been trying night Dubai and it’s a bit tricky. It’s a unique skybox which goes down to the ground and has a layer of clouds built into it, if you try change it then you get bad results

Will keep trying tho


Couldn’t resist doing Belle as well:

I do plan on porting Vito Scaletta and Sam Fisher soon though, don’t worry. :wink:


May I also request the possibility of Scott Shelby, especially in relation to the Kramer House Sequence.

This may sound weird but… is there some kind of a ghost mod? Where 47 get’s invisible?

I don’t want to cheat, I just want to stroll around and make nice screenshots even in restricted areas without the need to kill everyone :sweat_smile::see_no_evil:


RIP Ghost Mode


Haha no not the ghost mode I mean a ghost mod :sweat_smile:

I just want 47 to be invisible so no one sees me when I enter restricted areas :see_no_evil: I know it sounds like a cheat, but I really just want to make screenshots with everyone alive :sweat_smile:


Yes, it was for the joke. A free cam tool must exist. Perhaps someone on this forum knows one. :camera: :pray:


Yeah it’s Ansel. But… for example… I want to take screenshots of Grey in Colorado, right in front of the house. When I go there, everyone freaks out, so I have to kill everyone or change clothes, which I don’t want because I want to take the shots in his normal clothes :sweat_smile:

So I want him to be invisible, so he can enter the territory and I can make nice screenshots with mercenaries standing around and not shooting at him.

Same for Hokkaido, the best lightning is in the restricted areas of the surgery part, but I can’t enter without everyone loosing their minds. So I want 47 to be indivisible, so I can make pretty shots of him in his nice suit there, while everyone can still do their jobs :grin:

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