I wish IO would clue us in on whether they actually have any plans on introducing the Twins in some form into the game or not… They were included in the Chongqing data core cutscene, which was a helluva cheeky tease, and there´s so much cool lore and voicework in that mission that it´d be an utter shame to just dump it forever. I mean, sure, it would be a pain to play as an ET, but would make perfect sense as a Special Assignment, and you´ve clearly demonstrated that it can work, so…
After turning off the rest of the mods, it finally worked. Just in case I’m stupid and thought that it could only collide with the elusive targets mod, here are all of the other mods I was trying to run at the time:
-Elusive Targets+Offline Images
-Sarajevo Six
Besides that, this is a fantastic mod!
IOI specifically placed them on the “deletion lists” to stop people from playing them. This means although the files are there, they cannot be used as they are (you can re-extract them and place them back in like Kevin did). I doubt they’re ever going to come out officially.
It is likely not intentional, because Inez Ekwensi’s dress is the exact same as Tamara Vidal’s. Her dress had a few options on it (which existed in 2016), but as this dress was used in Sgail (and for an unreleased outfit for Knight) it broke in Hitman 2 (and as a consequence, Hitman 3). It was likely because they changed it to fit the new uses.
Surprisingly, my mod is laughably simple. I replace an array with an empty one.
This is probably the same for the rest of the ETs, they re-used the assets, changed them for the new stuff, and didn’t realise old stuff broke.
can you improve night time Ambrose Island and put it in the ToD ?
because the version of Night time not look good the light look very badly
I leave improving existing ToDs to Lighting Ultimate
i just found this mod now lighting-ultimate-2.1
nvm thanks
Is this planned to be done or is it more of just a disclaimer? Can’t tell with the use of the word “currently”.
I left it up to them to change their ‘official’ ET section to have it, they said no now
Now that they’ve said no I can create an OCRE for people to use in the My Contracts section? Would you like that?
Or if I was feeling crazy a plugin that adds it to the Marrakesh destination
UPDATE: @thrison I’ve made a plugin, now shows on Marrakesh screen of Peacock
I no longer need this but I do need a bigger RFID coin mod.
Thanks this table ==OUTDATED== hitman trilogy packagedefinition - Google Sheets
oh god that one was nightmare and fucker won’t stop follow you
He’s pretty easy to deal with if you play the escalation in H3. Sieker him and he loses his enforcer status but will still follow you around and as long as you stay close to him, he won’t go to vomit to eventually restore it.
i know but i hope they bring that back
Ammm, you have only one coin.So, this is n’t easy
You can’t choose items
I meant the OG escalation he appeared in.
Hi someone know to make a Reface for Chongqing? All guards face change them to chinese face and not american? I will glad for something like this
Has anyone tried to “diversify” the miami racecars? There are only 5 variants and I think adding the Blue seed and Aeon cars might make it more intresting.
Air Strike Phone v1.0.0
Turns The Explosive Phone Into An Air Strike Phone
Video of mod in action here: Air Strike Phone at Hitman 3 Nexus - Mods and community
Mod is here: Hitman - Air Strike Phone - YouTube
One question: explosion or accident explosion kills?