Not sure if you are aware, but RPKG Tool has been updated to automate extracting all the depends of an outfit .TEMP that can then be patched to chunk0.
In case you didn’t know, (I also cover a lot of things you probably already know, but including them for newcomers.)
Automatic Outfit .TEMP Swap Script:
1.5 Updated for Ambrose Island (chunk28). Removed settings for chunk1 and chunk2. Script now automatically copies depend folders from the bottom (28) up (0) so the latest files are the ones that get patched. This also alleviates the issue of having duplicate files that may be in multiple chunks.
(Links to RPKG Tool and Outfit Spreadsheet are at bottom of post)
Create a working folder.
Copy over rpkg-cli.exe from RPKG Tool into working folder.
Tip: Or add the folder that contains rpkg-cli.exe to Environment Variables so rpkg-cli.exe can be accessed from anywhere on your computer.
Search for “Advanced System Settings” and follow diagram below
Extract .bat scripts into working folder.
Open 00_Settings.bat in text editor and change settings accordingly.
set "OutfitHash=002CC01E5889B687"
set "NewOutfitHash=00FF8C6314EA882E"
set "RuntimeFolder=C:\Program Files\Epic Games\HITMAN3\Runtime"
set "PatchNumber=3"
set "FromChunk0=n"
“OutfitHash” is the outfit you are extracting.
“NewOutfitHash” is the outfit you are replacing.
“RuntimeFolder” is the location of the Runtime folder.
“PatchNumber” is what patch number you would like the .rpkg to be.
“FromChunk0” y or n.
- Run 01_ExtractHashDepends.bat
- Copy chunk0patch[number].rpkg to Runtime folder.
Default location: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\HITMAN3\Runtime
Note: Using RPKG Tool to load up the Runtime Folder and extracting All depends is quicker if you want to test out multiple outfits. In which case, you would skip 01_ExtractHashDepends.bat and use 02_OrganizeAndPack.bat instead. (The hashes in 00_Settings.bat still needs to be set accordingly.)
Manual Outfit .TEMP Swap Tutorial:
- With RPKG Tool
a. Import>Import RPKGs Folder (Default location: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\HITMAN3\Runtime)
b. Search for the outfit .TEMP you want to swap one of 47’s default outfits WITH
(e.g. 002CC01E5889B687.TEMP - OUTFIT_Llama_Unique_Diana_F_Actor_v0)
c. In the right panel, Extract Hash Depends> Extract All Hash Depends. - In the extracted folder,
Automatic script for parts a.-b.
Download and put .bat script into the ALLDEPENDS/[Hash].TEMP folder.
Run .bat.
Dropbox - HITMAN3_Organize ALLDEPENDS Folders.bat - Simplify your life
a. Delete chunk0 folders,
b. Transfer folders in the chunk[number]patch1 folders into their base folders (The same chunk[number] without “patch1”), overwriting them. Do the same for each additional chunk[number]patch[number] folder. (patch2 is as far as it goes at this time.)
c. Rename .TEMP and .TEMP.meta of the outfit .TEMP to the hash of the 47 outfit you are replacing
[OUTFIT_Llama_Unique_Diana_F_Actor_v0 outfit .TEMPs]
are renamed to
[OUTFIT_Agent47_SignatureSuit_HeroA_V0 outfit TEMPs]
00FF8C6314EA882E.TEMP.meta) - Rename ALLDEPENDS folder to chunk0patch3 (Or whatever the next patch number is in your Runtime folder)
- With RPKG Tool
a. Generate> Generate RPKG From Folder
b. Copy chunk0patch3.rpkg file (Or whatever number you made it) into HITMAN 3’s Runtime folder.
Default location: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\HITMAN3\Runtime
Prerequisite for getting mod to work:
packagedefinition.txt needs to be patched
(Default location: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\HITMAN3\Runtime)
Optional: Make a back up of packagedefinition.txt .
- Drag and drop packagedefinition.txt into the above site.
- Click “Set Patch Levels”.
- Click “Save File” and overwrite your original packagedefinition.txt .
Some resources for you and anyone else that might need them:
Spreadsheet of outfit .TEMPs