HITMAN 3 - Modding Thread

Better Starting Locations Online

Something that had been noticed at different times since H3’s launch yet never really acted on, until I realised my Offline mod did it by accident, was that actually you can change starting location stuff online. Not quite to the extent of offline mods, and half of it is still determined by the server, but enough to present you with this mod

More entrances
Sapienza - All 4 missions
Marrakesh - AHBOS
Bangkok - The Source
Hokkaido - Patient Zero
Dartmoor - Dartmoor Garden Show

Unrestricted Spawns
Paris - Auction
Hokkaido - PZ Default Spawn
Berlin - Club Entrance (Partial, concealed weapon still not allowed)
Mendoza - Default Spawn

Suit Selection now allowed
Dubai - Default
Berlin - Default
Romania - All (Please note the game overrides your selection on Laboratory spawn)

Notes and Thanks on Nexus page. But little shoutout to HMF user @NeroCrossX for bringing a ‘bug’ to my attention that led to me figuring out suit selection on any entrance you wish (Some starts are still restricted but at least allow you to choose suit, so you can wear winter gear in Romania now)