HITMAN 3 - Modding Thread

The return …

Lighting Ultimate 2.1 - the Ambrose Island update.

Enjoy a cleaner, sharper playing experience in Ambrose Island with Vanila+.

Also featuring a new, experimental Time of Day pack.
Beginning with “Dawn” for Sapienza, available in World of Tomorrow.

By EXTREMELY popular demand …

The Classic+ Pack enters preview.

After hearing a significant amount of community feedback pertaining to the Classic Pack, I am proud to introduce Classic+. Offering the same beautiful, clean and crisp lighting from the Classic Pack, now with added vibrancy and contrast for a more dramatic picture.

Initial preview currently available in World of Tomorrow! With additional feedback, more levels will roll out in the future. With additional feedback, more levels will roll out in the future.

Notable fixes/improvements:

Massive deploy time improvements.

LU 2.1 has been almost completely rewritten to significantly improve performance during deploy times. While performance varies heavily based on hardware, there is a general improvement to about 30-60 seconds instead of 10-13 minutes to deploy all levels. This may introduce certain new issues however, so always report things if you see anything.

No more floating bushes in Dartmoor.

The refactor of LU 2.1 has restored the laws of gravity and physics at Thornbridge Manor, and now the bushes surrounding the manor will no longer be floating in random and strange places.

No longer speechless.

47 is now able to properly engage with dialogue interactions, whether it be face-to-face with certain NPCs or telephone calls. This was fixed in a separate manner through SMF directly. However this refactor would have also fixed the same issue, just by a different approach entirely.

The full list of new features/bug fixes is available on the Nexus mods page here:

I normally would never do this, but times have been enormously difficult and painful lately, especially from a personal and financial standpoint. I have enjoyed giving back to the community for a game series which I have grown to appreciate so dearly over the course of the last 5 years.

Out of principle, Lighting Ultimate, as with the rest of my mods, is free and will ALWAYS be free. Donations are never required.

However, donations are particularly appreciated during this time. If you have enjoyed Lighting Ultimate or any of my other mods, PayPal and Ko-fi are excellent ways to show support, especially now.

Thank you all for your patience, and happy playing everyone!