I kept hitting refresh on my PS4, update now available! 4.1GB!
Theres very little bug fixes here, which is a massive disappointment to me. Frequent crashes, kalmer bug still in place, NPCs by Ken Morgan broke by the emetic fix. However I am glad they fixed the head issue which I thought they never would, the III face is sexy
With the patch soon being on the hard disks of data miners, be aware whatever is found there belongs to the leaks category until the content is released.
Is it different? I can kinda see a different brow
May be clearer with a GIF. Forehead and ears are pretty noticeably different.
Again no shoulderswap…
Its basically the same game since Hitman 2016
In Hitman 3: “hEy LeTs DeLeTe ThE sHoUlDeRsWaP ”
-Big brain mode-
Check Mate
We’ve resolved an issue where the Gaucho guard in the Tech Room drinks his mate incorrectly. He was drinking straight from the glass and the straw was going through his face. Now, he’ll use the metal straw.
Wasn’t this already fixed before? Or did it break again last time?
I won’t be able to test this patch for awhile, so I have a question for someone who is in the same boat as I.
If you were missing the Semtex Remote Demo Block MK III because you completed the challenge too early, did this patch finally add the unlock to your inventory?
Are the Silver People still in New York, and is the Mailman from Whittleton Creek still depressed AF in Contracts Mode?
So the audio problems on PS5 are still not fixed? That’s 6 months and counting… 6 months!
Come on man, that’s just unacceptable.
Can confirm that the Lucas Grey character model is still missing from the opening cutscene of the default Harbour start point in Sgail in today’s newly updated 3.50 patch.
One of the absolute shoddiest bugs in the game, making Sgail look like it was made by a bunch of amateurs, I’m absolutely baffled that this isn’t fixed yet.
I’ll be re-reporting this as a bug via the official Zendesk platform. Please can I ask @Mini and everyone else who would like to see this immersion-killing travesty fixed ASAP to please do the same and create a Zendesk support ticket at Submit a request – HITMAN 3 Player Support? It seems like sending a lot of tickets might be the only way we get IOI to assign some resources to fixing this and stopping this important part of their game looking like some Cyberpunk 2077-style unfinished mess.
Will do! This is so annoying
Maintenance closed on all platforms! Happy Hunting 47!
Yes! They finally add Traditional Chinese (and Simplified) back, hope it can reach more gamer into this game.
i was playing the Lust escalation and my game started lagging so hard i had to restart my PC. anybody else have the same issue?