Screenshots made on 12th of February (before 3.11 update) and on 11th of Match it’s still a thing.
There is a floating vial of something there, and it’s a real object that blocks movement if stumbled arcoss it
Yellow background for Trespassing/Hostile zone title is overlapping through minimap preventing to see things on it.
Happens occasionally after saving game and reloading the save.
This thing can move up to the middle of the minimap if to reload the save repeatedly.
Most of the times it has no text in it, just bold yellow line across the minimap.
Happened in New York and Haven Island besides Paris, there’s three.
Might be even more
Description: Sometimes 47’s walking movements become “sticky”. If moving forward and backward he’ll do a complete 180 right on the spot without any leg animation. Afterward he’ll stay in place about a second before starting to move again. This seems to effect any change in walking direction, not just forward and backward.
Steps to reproduce:
Start the game
Load any level
Walk (Not certain under what circumstances this occurs.)
Frequency: Random. Seems to be affected by either a quick change in walking direction, obstruction, or leg animation?
0:02 - 0:10 - Constant hitching going forward and backward
0:17 - 0:26 - Constant hitching going forward and backward
0:35 - 0:37 - After going down and right, hitches going left
0:39 - 0:40 - Hitches when changing from left to forward, then forward to back, and backward to right.
Description : I was not granted the Remote Semtex Demo Block Mk III reward in FEATURED CONTRACTS Track 2. I completed the challenge before the first mayor game update. Since then it got a new unlock and part of the progress was reversed. Leaving me with an already unlocked challenge which has a check mark but no way to obtain the newly attached reward.
Steps to reproduce:
Completing the challenge FEATURED CONTRACTS - Track 2, Tier 3 pre february game update
I accidentally completed all the Track 2 Featured Contracts challenges prior to the February 2021 update as the game was counting each completed run of a FC contract towards the challenge when the “unlock” was still listed as the ICA19. Now that the unlock linked to the “Track 2, Tier 3” challenge has been corrected to the Remote Semtex Demo Block MkIII, I am now left with no way to unlock this item in my inventory as the challenge is already complete.
Description : I’m playing the new featured contracts in Chongqing and every time I leave the ICA facility the game freezes and then crashes with no crash report. I’ve read that some people had that issue when the game was released. The thing is that I never had any problem playing this map until now.
Subdue an IA in the Basement facility under the Main Villa
Try to be undiscovered by the Main Target Tyson Williams wich is on the Upper Floor and discover the Body (corpse) each time it’s laying on the ground whereas the target cannot see him.
The Target can see the laying corpse|bodies through the ground|floor.
Platform: PS4
Description: Crash Report
Location: Chongqing China
Mission: Featured Contracts: Become A Killer by Easy Allies
I’ve been experiencing bug that is causing the game to crash while playing the featured contracts from Easy Allies (BECOME A KILLER) it had happened twice now and it’s seemly triggered when I change into the disguise of the Dumpling Cook the target HUI ZENG the game crashes immediately after changing disguise.
The requirement for Hold My Hair is to drown a target in a toilet/water bucket/basin etc by holding their face into the water until they drown whereas the Cooling Down is regarded as a accidental fall
Platform: PS4
Location: Sapienza World of Tomorrow
Description: Bugged Entrance
Frequency: Always
The door leading to Villa Caruso from the beach side area which is accessible via keycard is not able to be opened no matter how many times you swipe the keycard it remains locks despite performing the swiping action it does not swing open like other doors in the level
Description : The challenge for drowning Sean Rose in the water basin after he smokes the laced cigarette does not unlock. Tried repeating a few times but it will not unlock. The challenge name is “Cleaning up”
Issue: When selecting a Hidden Stash point, the Guru Emetic Pen Syringe and Guru’s Emetic Grenade aren’t available in the options, despite being small items.
(Main Menu)
Issue: The Featured Contracts Track 1 is broken.
Tiers 3-5 say I have 11/x completed.
Tiers 1, 6-9 say I have 3/x completed.
Tier 2 is already completed.
The second set of tiers is correct (but I don’t mind the boost on tiers 3-5)
I played one featured contract multiple times before the patch. The new no-duplicates rule might have broken it.