HITMAN 3 - Bug Report Thread

Platform: PC

Description: “Simulation Quality - Best” isn’t working for me except in the benchmarks and in New York (where the bank pillars can be shot apart). I’m using a 7700K which is a quad core and I know the setting recommends 8 cores, but that doesn’t explain why it works in the benchmark (including the interactive benchmark) but not in-game.

Platform: PC (and from what I’ve read consoles have the same issue)

Description: HDR isn’t working properly in the Hitman 3 maps, the gamma is too high and the black levels are raised. HDR works fine in the Hitman 1 and 2 maps though.

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The continue story option doesn’t work anymore on Patient Zero campaign and Atlantide missions.

Kalmer and Sieker’s ammo STILL overlaps. “Fixed most legacy bugs”, my ass!

Platform: PS4.

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Platform: PC, Digital (Epic Store) Game Version 3.10.1 Server Version 8.1.0

Description : Completing the Hitman 1 Bonus Missions with Sniper Assassin does not count towards the “17x Sniper Assassin” Classic-Challenge

Frequency : always

Platform: PC, Digital (Epic Store) Game Version 3.10.1 Server Version 8.1.0

Location : Dartmoor

Description : It is not possible to complete the “Voyeur” Challenge for Dartmoor

Frequency : always

Platform: PC, Digital (Epic Store) Game Version 3.10.1 Server Version 8.1.0

Location : Mendoza

Description : It is not possible to complete the “Grapes of Wrath” Challenge for Mendoza

Frequency : always

Platform: PC, Digital (Epic Store) Game Version 3.10.1 Server Version 8.1.0

Location : Mendoza

Description : It is not possible to complete the “Estate Wines” Challenge for Mendoza

Frequency : always

Platform: PC, Digital (Epic Store) Game Version 3.10.1 Server Version 8.1.0

Location: Mendoza

Description : When dancing tango with diana while wearing a weapon on your back, the weapon will clip through 47.

Frequency : always

Platform: PC, Digital (Epic Store) Game Version 3.10.1 Server Version 8.1.0

Location: Main Menu

Description : Localization error in the german version of the game. The Word “Herausforderungen” (Challenges) does not fit into it’s textbox. It also doesn’t scroll when highlighted

Frequency : always

Platform: PC, Digital (Epic Store) Game Version 3.10.1 Server Version 8.1.0

Location: Main Menu,Statistics screen

Description : Localization error in the german version of the game. The Word “Missions-Meisterschaft” (Mission-Mastery) does not fit into it’s textbox.

Frequency : always

Platform: PC, Digital (Epic Store) Game Version 3.10.1 Server Version 8.1.0

Location: Mendoza, Story-Missions menu

Description : Localization error in the german version of the game. The story description does not fit into it’s text box. I remember multiple errors like this in the information tab of the game for various levels.

Frequency : always

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Platform: PC
[Highest Settings]

Location: Paris

Description: Floating wires

Location: Santa Fortuna

Description: Lucas Grey does not sound “through the phone” anymore, he sounds like he directly talks into your ear. In Hitman 2, there was a filter over it, that made him sound like the telephone he speaks through to Delgado. Now that is gone.


Platform: PC Digital

Location: Carpathian Mountains

Description : 47 jumps off the train and falls off the map

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start the game
  2. Load the Carpathian Mountains mission
  3. Climb to the top of the train and find a ledge
  4. Press space and 47 will jump off the train

Frequency : lots of times

Clip: https://youtu.be/ZP2TF7ZsBQU

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Platform- PS4 Pro

The trophy “Shortcut Killer” won’t pop for me. I’ve completed all 17 shortcuts.

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I see I’m not the only one who encountered this. Just terrible

same problem here, let me know if you find a solution.

Platform: [PC] digital

Location: Mendoza

Description: Mendoza discovery challenge showing 44/45 locations, but I unlocked them all, also achievement popped up.

Possible Broken Mission Story on Haven Island?
On PS4 Disc, Master Difficulty.

Spoke to Ljudmila about getting the USB. Got the USB in the Server Basement and called Ljudmila on the phone to meet at the Spa. However I stayed around in the Villa and assassinated Tyson by drowning him in the jacuzzi. After that the storm outside started. I went to the Spa and receptionist says Ljudmila is inside waiting but she’s back to here regular route (presumably cause she waited too long). However there seems now way to trigger this meeting again. Perhaps cause Tyson is dead?

Might be intentional but it feels like something isn’t working. Or perhaps if she knows Tyson is dead she should mention it? Just seems odd the USB thread is dead completely.

Platform: PC
Map: All of them.
47s head clips through the arkian tuxedos hood.

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Hope this helps with the grapes of wrath challenge. I had issues with it too. I placed the grapes on the ground much like the banana peel. I placed a coin just behind the grapes and my guy slipped and the challenge popped for me.
Good luck , I’ll leave you to prepare.

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“Shortcut Killer” trophy doesn’t pop.

Vibration randomly stops workings on EVERY controller I own and only with Hitman 2 & 3.

NPCs randomly see through walls. Haven is where it’s at it’s worse but also in Miami.

Targets go into lockdown if you take out an illegal item for a split second.

! Appears above NPC after you get compromised but no orange highlight.

Platform: PS4.

Platform: PC

Location: Сhongqing

Description: Player disguise breaks when returning to the room

1.Start the game
2.Load the Сhongqing mission
3.Repeat the steps shown in the video

Frequency: In 80% of cases


Platform: PC

Location: The Vector

Description: Target teleported to the exit
1.Start the game
2.Load the Vector mission
3.Make a few tries

Frequency: Infrequently


Platform: PC

Location: Dubai

Description: An NPC named Joshua Jack stands still 50% of the time. His route may never start. I linked this bug to skipping intro. But I’m not sure about that.

1.Start the game
2.Load the Dubai mission
3.Find Joshua Black

Frequency: Often


Platform: PC

Location: Dubai, Mendoza

Description: Certain models and textures are invisible in certain places

1.Start the game
2.Load dubai or mendoza mission
3.Repeat the steps shown in the video

Frequency: Always


Platform: PC

Location: H1 & H2 Maps

Description: Trash cans are still prioritized over toilets

1.Repeat the steps shown in the video

Frequency: Always



Plattform: PC
[Hightest Settings]

Location: Everywhere

Description: The Summer Suave Suit, just like the Mumbai suit, are both part of the escalation track while also being available as unlock through their escalations.

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Platform-Xbox One

Location-Dartmoor & Berlin

Description-Dartmoor- The CHALLENGE: TOP GEAR- for escaping Thornbridge Manor Via the Motorcycle doesn’t show as completed no matter how many times I do it.

Description-Berlin- The CHALLENGES: SILENT ASSASSIN, SILENT ASSASSIN, SUIT ONLY and T-47 don’t show as completed. Again, I’ve completed both challenges multiple times.

Platform : PC

Location : Mendoza

Description : FPS drop on any settings. The video shows places where FPS drops are noticeable. I marked them with coins. In these areas, there is nothing that could lead to a FPS drop

In these areas, FPS drops by about 40 frames on all my graphics cards. This problem is repeated on gtx 970 (Driver 460.79) ,1060 (461.40) and 1070 (461.40)

1 .Repeat the steps shown in the video

Frequency : Always


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Wow they still didn’t fix that?

Platform: PS4 / Digital

Location: Mendoza

Description : Trophy: “Rich Harvest” won’t pop
After finishing all 4 story missions only 3 missions stay marked as completed.
The hidden mission “Closing Statement” stays uncompleted.
No matter in which order the missions are done, the trophy doesn’t pop.

After starting the missions the stories are displayed as following: (Closing Statement is shown)

After completing the missions the storiers are displayed as following: (Closing Statement is shown - but the mission is not checked off properly)

After finishing the entire level the stories are displayed as following: (Closing Statement isn’t displayed anymore)