HITMAN 3 - Bug Report Thread

Platform: PS5
Location: Paris
Description: The Showstopper Challenge will not unlock after dropping the light rig on Viktor

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start the game
  2. Load the Paris mission
  3. Drop the light rig on Viktor
  4. Challenge does not unlock after this.

Frequency: It never unlocks.

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LOCATION: Colorado (Freedom Fighters)
TOPIC: “Cleaning Up” Challenge Bugged
SUMMARY: Playing Freedom Fighters through Hitman 3, when assassinating Sean Rose by drowning him in the water basin in the shed behind the main house, “Cleaning Up” challenge will not unlock. I have literally done everything I can on my end, but there is some kind of bug.
Frequency: Every time. I have tried about 50 times to unlock this challenge. I meet all the requirements and it still doesn’t unlock. Its the last challenge I have in Colorado.


Platform: xbox

Location: Mendoza

I try load saved game, but i get a message "This save contains content that is no longer available to you. Please ensure you have access to the following content. HITMAN 3 - HITMAN 2 Gold.

I do have both.

Xbox Series X


“Discover Chongqin” challenge not unlocking despite discovering all locations on the map and the corresponding achievement unlocking.

Platform: PS5 (Disc)

Location: Mendoza

Description : I’ve reached level 20 Mastery on Mendoza, and my trophy won’t pop. I’ve tried replaying the mission several times over the last few days, but no joy. Is this something you will be addressing, or will I have to delete my profile and start over?


Platform: PC digital

Location: N/A

Description : I transferred progress from Hitman 2 to Hitman 3, but only Hitman 1 content has carried over and the H2 content remains locked. The “HITMAN 3 Progression Carryover Status” is displayed as “Finished” on the carryover page.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start the game
  2. Go to Campaigns → Hitman 2

Frequency : Always

It’s more a question than a bug report but… Do you think this kind of clipping can be solve by patch or modding ? (Look at the (delicate) agent 47 back)

Platform: PC

Location: Mendoza

Description: (Certain) Car Explosions in Mendoza cause no panic reaction. It only registers as a regular shot distraction if anyone is close enough to hear the shot impact.

Steps to reproduce: Cause a car explosion in Yates’ compound.

Multi platform:

  • Estate Wines challenge doesn’t unlock or even registers when a bottle is acquired

Same probleme here :confused:

Platform: Xbox Series S

Some achievements are bugged. I’ve completed all mission stories in Mendoza - hasn’t popped the achievement (that includes closed statement). As well as in chongqing.

Myy Ripe for Picking achievement isn’t showing up as well.

I have found all of the shortcuts from the Hitman 3 levels and my “shortcut killer” achievement isn’t popping up as well.

This is really annoying.


Platform Xbox sieres x
Location chonggoing end of an era
In laundromat

Washing Machince not showing

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Platform: PC

Location: Berlin

Description: Game crashes every time I try to do something to Montgomery once the meeting is called. I tried hiding and then subduing him, it crashed. I tried changing outfits and trying to kill or subdue him, crashed both times. I tried just shooting him in the head as he came in the room. Crashed with the crosshairs pointing right at his head. I tried waiting out the meeting once the meeting is called, but even trying to kill Montgomery then crashed. I can kill the bodyguards no problem, but Montgomery is untouchable.

EDIT: I loaded from a save point before I started the meeting, before I even pacified Rolf and friends, but after Rolf talks to Montgomery. Then I followed Montgomery and in trying to pacify or kill him, the game crashes. So it isn’t the meeting itself with Montgomery that triggers his indestructible nature. Will continue to investigate. It’s really hard to kill all the ICA agents when one of them is indestructible…

Steps to reproduce: Call the meeting as Rolf. Try to kill or pacify Montgomery thereafter.
Steps to reproduce: Possibly just observe the meeting between Rolf and Montgomery? Then try to do something to Montgomery?


Platform - Xbox (Series X) - Digital
Location - Berlin
Description - Triggering the light show assassination/challenge and resulting ‘saving’ causes the game to crash to Xbox dashboard
Reloaded and happens every single time.
Load the game. Hype light show. Overload. In middle of electrocution animation the ‘saving’ pops up in the corner and the whole game freezes, the crashes.

Platform: PS4 (Digital)

Location: Dubai (On Top of the World)

Description : Cannot complete “Discover Dubai” challenge despite discovering all locations

I have discovered all locations in Dubai and I have received the PlayStation trophy for it. In-game during the mission, the challenge showed as completed. However, when I completed the mission, I got disconnected from the server and did not receive any XP for the challenges that I did and none of those challenges showed as completed. The Discover Dubai challenge is now stuck on 31/33 but there are no undiscovered markers left on the map. I have deleted all local data of the game and restarted it, but that does not resolve the issue. No new markers appear on the map and the challenge remains stuck.

Steps to reproduce:

Load Dubai story mission, discover all locations, and experience a server disconnect when completing the mission.

Frequency : Persistent

Platform: PC (EPIC)
Location: Carpanter mountains
Description: Opening a cabinet with crowbar crashes the game
As I am playing through level, in wagon with commander of heavy soldiers there is a cabinet with fuse which you can use to blind heavy soldiers. However, whenever I open it with crowbar, my game crashes on desktop. I am not sure if same thing happens if you use rusty nail, but it alaways happened with rusty crowbar.
Steps to reproduce: Grab a crowbar, approach a cabinet with fuse, open it with it, game crashes
Frequency: Always

Note that none of the contents is being carried over.
Only and exclusively your progress data is transferred.
As for HITMAN 2 locations, they are currently unavailable to everybody on Epic except those who purchased HITMAN 2 Access Pass. You can do the same if you don’t want to wait. Within 14 days after HITMAN 3 release you can buy it with 80% off.
The thing is HITMAN 2 is not present on Epic Store and this caused this situation.
But developers promised to give H2 locations for free to those who already own HITMAN 2 on Steam.
But the process of investigating will take some unknown amount of time, and as I said above, if you don’t want to wait, you can buy HITMAN 2 Access Pass and get those locations instantly

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Platform: [PS4]

Location: all

Description : Issue with saving. It takes several seconds for the game to actually save, so you can go back to the game and move for a short while before your progress is actually saved. Only thing that is saved when you are choosing to save in the menu, is the thumbnail.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Save the game
  2. Quickly go back to the game
  3. Do something (move, shoot etc.)
  4. Load you savegame, and see that it has saved AFTER your action in step 3.

Frequency : ALWAYS

Attach or link to any videos or images that will help explain the issue: Hitman 3 save issue - YouTube

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Platform: PC, Digital
Location: Mumbai, H3
Description: Clipping issue.
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Main square near first starting location of Mumbai and hotel with killer.
    Frequency: Every time.

Thanks for the clarification! And yeah I can wait.

Platform: Xbox One - Disc
Location: Dubai
Description: Falling outside of map.
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start dubai mission.
  2. Go near swinging targets outside of the art installation backstage.
  3. Move towards ledge near walkway.
  4. Vault over glass ledge.
  5. You will then fall outside the map and either get stuck or die.
    Frequency: Always reproduceable
    Images: Cannot link images right now.