Description: On the Sapienza mission through Hitman 3, there is a room opposite the lab with the virus. In the room is a table where scientists and security guards alike come to drink. Trying to poison the cups on the table or tamper with them in any way results in the game instantly crashing on me. I’ve reloaded, reinstalled and it happens everytime.
Steps to reproduce:
Start the game
Load the Sapienza mission
Head down to the lab and get to the room opposite it
Interact with / poison the cups on the table The game will instantly crash
Platform - PS5 (probably all of them though)
Location - Sapienza (probably all the locations with a lot of npcs)
Problem - I’m doing a knock out everyone child while retaining silent assassin and when I have a lot of people knocked out (about 75%) of the map, whenever I save the game and reload in, I get a thing saying that a non target was killed. Sometimes it’s just a regular civilian, sometimes it says guard accident, but it’d always 1 person.
Steps to Reproduce:
Knock out 75% of the map while retaining silent assassin I guess. I spent like 6 hours doing this and trying to reload saves where npcs wouldn’t get killed.
Platform: PC (Epic) Location: Mendoza Description: Clippity clip. Undershirt clips through the shirt collar on the gaucho disguise. Minor? Sure. Annoying? You bet it is for me…
Everytime I complete “The Golden Handshake”, I lose my Internet connection and have to return to menu and reconnect. It’s only for this mission, every time.
PC digital
Location - Hokkaido (snow festival mission)
I attempted “the Groom” chalenge, but i did not get the achivement. I used “white katana” that I unlocked in the H3 deluxe escalation. It would be fair that it counts as katana, what other purpose do we have for it anyway.
It’s highly likely that you have to use the katana that’s near the ledge where you start as the Ninja. Unfortunately, the game is just that way. You’ll not unlock whichever challenge if you use a similar weapon, the only difference being a reskin.
This challenge was introduced in H1 (2016) when the White Katana wasn’t in the game yet.
Also, don’t bother with doing this on the Snow Festival mission. Find a Contract (in Contracts Mode, search) that will help you with this. The people you kill have to be targets and there aren’t enough targets on the normal missions.
The things to search for are:
Hokkaido: Situs Inversus
X number of targets (see the challenge for number)
Lethal Melee
Or use the term ‘Groom’ to help better narrow the search results.
It seems like with this ‘Challenge Pack’(?) I had to play more than one contract. These steps might not be exact, but it should be enough for you to find out what to do.
Yeah, the white katana is bugged in this regard and not considered a ‘katana’ by the game for challenge purposes. I had the same problem with the ninja challenge in Hawke’s Bay. You have to use either the regular katana or the unlockable Masamune.
Not sure if i or anyone posted this before. In the Illusions of Grandeur Special Assignment, the chawl building is not a trespassing area, the guards wont let you in, but once you’re in they wont do anything if they see you.
UPDATE: I launched yesterday the game a few moments after I reported the different unavailable items from stashes, and magically: some reappeared while other vanished.
Has reappeared: ICA19 Silverballer, Enram HV CM, ICA Woodsman Rifle Covert, Sedative poison vial and lethal pills.
Has vanished: Lethal poison vial, lethal syringe
Looks like IO´s way of preparing people for the Freelancer mode. Get ready for your shit which normally is available suddenly not being available… (on a serious note though, it´s an annoying bug and I hope for your guys´ sake it gets fixed asap)
Platform: Xbox
So my game crashed in the middle of an elusive target arcade contract, locking me out. But the thing that really annoys me is that it has also locked me out of a different one that I haven’t even played yet as well. I cannot reproduce this yet for obvious reasons.
[UPDATE] Never mind, now they’re all available again. It’s all a bit buggy at the moment, isn’t it?
[UPDATE] I just completed the contract that crashed my game, and now it says I’ve failed again, along with the third elusive target contract that hadn’t failed which, again, I haven’t played yet. What is going on?
[UPDATE] Now the second contract is available again, the first contract’s still unavailable, and the third contract (which I played, but quit from before I completed any objectives) says I failed.
On PC Epic Game Store after last update 3.100.0 on EGS keyboard and mouse not responding. I can’t play and can’t press any key in game menu. I try to reset all control settings, and I try to checking the consistency of files. Nothing works.
Installed latest patch, to try out the Elusive arcade, only to be greeted with 12h countdown on each contract, while it was practically impossible to fail beforehand.
I know I have to wait 12 hours, but still, it should be checked out…