Hitman 3 bugs as of the June 15th Patch.
1) I have not been retroactively granted the Remote Semtex Demo Block MK III & ICA 19 F/A Stealth Ducky Edition. These are the bugged Featured Contract Rewards that was listed as fixed in previous patch notes but actually was not solved. The Sieger 300 Sniper Case was successfully added, but the Semtex Demo Block MK III and ICA 19 F/A Stealth Ducky Edition remain locked despite the associated challenges listed as complete.
Is a fix in the works for affected users? This problem has been around for months now. @Travis_IOI
2) Claw Hammer & Jaeger 7 Covert are missing from location mastery, escalation rewards, and featured contract challenges. They are impossible for new players to unlock.
3) The inventory image for the Masamune uses a generic katana. It should be updated to reflect its beautiful in-game model.
4) I’ve reported this for a few years now, but the Small Goldbar is STILL incorrectly placed as the only melee item in the Gear section of the Inventory Menu. It should be organized next to the other melee items in the Weapons section of the Inventory Menu like it is during missing planning.
Observe how the Small Goldbar is next to the other melee unlocks in the Weapons section of the menu during mission planning, which is CORRECT:
Now observe how the Small Goldbar is the only melee weapon in the Gear section of the Inventory Menu in the Career Tab, which is WRONG:
5) The Number Six With Gloves has the wrong inventory description. It’s reusing the one for the Ashen Suit With Gloves.
6) The HWK21 Pale is still missing the “Steady Aim” attribute icon when viewed in the inventory menu.
7) The Druzhina 34 ICA Arctic no longer has the slow-mo ability, but the weapon still has the “Marksman” attribute listed. I believe this was done in error after removing the wallbang ammo.
8) There are several melee weapons that are missing their sounds when you attack an NPC. After extensive testing, these are the buggy melee weapons that emit no audible noise when used:
- Antique Curved Knife
- Meaty Bone
- Sacrificial Knife
- The Black Almond’s Dagger
- Handyman Wrench
9) Pushing Robert Knox onto Sierra Knox’s car results in a “Non-Target” kill and voids SA. This is the “Tree Falls on the Apple” assassination challenge which worked correctly in Hitman 2. Here’s a video of the glitch.
10) During the Ark Society, Lucas Grey is missing during the cutscene that plays when selecting the Harbor starting location.
11) On the stats page, the little rectangle-like shapes that represent your mastery level become unlit after you unlock 100% of the challenges for that location.