HITMAN 3 - Bug Report Thread

I’ll be glad once the Classics challenges are fixed so it stops getting posted over and over and over. The bug has already been reported - there’s no need to re-report it.

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You may already know this, but make sure you’re changing into all of those disguises. Starting in a disguise doesn’t count.


Yes, same here. However, for some reason, mine have jumped to 24, 25 and 26 out of 17.

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Chongqing Stash Descriptions

Some of the Chongqing stash descriptions are confusing to say the least and should be changed.

The “Facility Server Supply Room” is stated to be near the arcade, whereas it is obviously several stories beneath it, deep inside the ICA facility (on the Tier 3 level even), and nowhere “near” the arcade itself.

Similarly, the “Facility Maintenance Tunnel” is said to be on the roof of the Block, which is complete nonsense, as it is - again - underground, deep within the ICA facility.

Finally, both of the above stash descriptions mention that Olivia has placed the item there. Considering that they are both deep inside the ICA facility, off limits to her, this is just nonsense and should be replaced by “Olivia has bribed an employee into placing”, as is the case with the “Facility Ventilation Room” stash.

The tall doors in Paris are now either difficult or impossible to open.
The interact button is now about half way up the door meaning the camera has to be arched right up to open them.
This however, doesn’t always work and even with the camera positioned high and 47 positioned in some pretty funky places, the interact button is sometimes impossible to get working.


Platform: PC / Epic Games

Location: Various/All (Only tested on Dubai/Miami but it appears reasonable to assume there would be no change elsewhere)

Description: Concept 5 now seems to use the regular ICA19 sounds as opposed to its louder, unsilenced sounds, and the dropped magazines do not seem to be the correct ones, although I cannot be sure. NPC behavior is unaffected.

Steps to reproduce:

Equipping the Concept 5 on any level (Or at least Dubai and Miami) then firing and reloading.

Frequency: Seemingly since the May update, but I can’t be sure, although I believe it was correct in April.

To potentially help IOI I’ll say that I haven’t had this problem on PS5 so I believe there is a platform-specific issue here. Or I’ve been lucky!

Another Update on the Classics situation:
I managed to complete Sniper Assassin x17 as I expected it to work. The Silent Assassin, Suit Only x17 challenge which was displaying that I had 18/17 completed is still broken. I tried completing a SA/SO challenge on one of the maps to test if I would get the unlock but I didn’t, it just went to 19/17 therefore I’m holding on the rest of my SA/SO challenges for when this is fixed as well.


Platform: PC
Location: N/A
Description: not getting rewards after finished the classic sniper assassin achievement.

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Platform: PC (Epic)

Location: Mendoza

Description: Blending in at the desk in the mercenary locker room no longer results in the assembly of the Goldballer, but rather an ordinary Bartoli pistol. Not sure if this is meant to be intentional, but I hope it´s a mistake…

Steps to reproduce: Dispose of the mercs in the locker room and blend in in a mercenary disguise.

Frequency: Always (duh).


Platform: PC (or maybe all platforms)
Location: Berlin
Description: Targets do not appear highlighted “red” when using instinct the during the first playthrough, but appear highlighted every time after. This ruins the ability to try to find out who the targets are every playthrough after the first one.
Frequency: Every time after first playthrough.

The default bus start will still not highlight the targets, if you want to look for them. It’s set up that way to be less of a chore in subsequent plays.
Also, you appear to have accidentally replied to Kent’s bug report.


Same here over my friend :stuck_out_tongue:

Platform: PS5

Location: Mendoza

Description: Murder by Proxy & To Loyalty challenges bugged: once I place the wine on the table, the bottle disappears or Cortazar doesn’t pour for the guests; Vidal is shot, triggering half of the Murder by Proxy challenge, but after that it just loops dialogue & the story doesn’t continue.

Steps to reproduce:

Poison Yates’s wine glass before you trigger the rest of the mission story that leads to the heralds meeting.

Frequency: I’ve managed to reproduce it twice from the same save game.

platform: ps4 disc-digital version of hitman 3
location: Sapienza-world of tomorrow
description: the entrance into the basement/kitchen of the mansion above the beach square is broken.

  1. use the mansion key card at the beach square mansion entrance.
  2. it will scan but the door won’t open no matter how many times you scan it.

Platform: PC/Epic/Digital

Location: Everywhere

Description: All of the “The Classics” challenges have reset to 1 in the menu during normal gameplay. I then tried to see if it was just a visual bug, so I completed Sniper Assassin on a mission that I hadn’t completed it on, however the counter did not count above one and Sniper Assassin x13 had not unlocked (I was 1 away from it). I power cycled my computer to no avail. I took a few days off (not of my own volition), and I come back to see that the issue has persisted, however after a few minutes I realize that the challenges displayed the actual numbers that I had achieved, but were not unlocking the numbered challenges

Steps to reproduce: Unknown

Frequency: All the time

(sorry this was long winded I just wanted to provide context)

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got a few!

Platform: PS4

Version: Physical Disc

Location: Everywhere

Description: The Buccaneer has a slight clipping issue with 47’s head.

Location: Haven Island

Description: The Swimwear has… weird issues? Seems some part of the model has been offset in some way, leading to annoying graphical issues.

Locatiom: Haven Island

Description: Ljudmila Vetrova’s phone call audio changes volume when moving the camera angles, instead of staying at a consistent level. While this could be intentional, I do not believe this was in HITMAN 2 or in other phone conversations throughout HITMAN III and the Legacy Packs.

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Maybe a bug here:

Platform: PC
Version: Digital
Location: All “Patient Zero” Missions

Description: Diana voice is too low and barely audible in some scenarios or events. I checked if there was a wrong level audio setting from my side but no, I have everything at max level audio on both game and Windows mixer. Briefing cutscenes are not affected by this issue. Other missions aside Patient Zero missions are totally fine.



For some reason it doesn’t let me crash the stock market when I repeatedly sell on new York?

Platform: Xbox Series X, digital (i own all three Hitman WoA games)

Description: i completed all three Silent Assassin classic challenges (Silent Assassin x5, x12 and x17), but the Classic Coin, which should be unlocked by beating Silent Assassin x12, hasn’t unlocked for me.

The Silent Assassin x 12 doesn’t actually show as “completed”, even if i already completed SA x 17 and unlocked the classic wire. The bar under SAx12 in the Challenges menu is showing 17/12 Silent Assassin challenges completed.