Platform: Xbox One; digital
Location: All (mostly tested in Dubai)
Xp points for basic performance are not registered anymore after loading a save file.
It follows the same pattern as with assassinating targets. Only the first assassination is awarded with points, which is intented by the game to prevent xp harvesting.
Steps to reproduce:
-Start the Dubai mission from scratch (I did it on Professional difficulty).
-Save the game just after you stepped out of the wardrobe where you change out of your skydiving suit; this way you haven’t performed any action yet.
-Exit the game, go the the career/player profile section and take note of the performance total for Dubai.
-Load the game you just saved.
-Silently take out the woman at the deposit boxes; you will get +25xp.
-Save another game.
-Exit the game and check the player profile; the performance total for Dubai will be increased by 25.
-Load the most recent save.
-Now hide the body of the woman; you will get +25xp.
-Lure in and silently take out the other woman; the game says you get +25xp.
-Exit the game and check the player profile; the performance total for Dubai only has increased by 25 points, but it should have been increased by 50 points.
-This is because the game only registered the points for hiding hte body, because this action was new. The silent takedown was already done before, so you don’t get the points again.
Maybe this was intented also? Just to prevent situations of unfair xp harvesting.
My point is the game should NOT say you get the points. This gives players the false notion that they are increasing their total xp.
So the right solution for this bug could be one of these two things:
Make sure the points for basic performance are registered to the total amount of xp after making use of a saved game.
Just do the same as with targets and the erasing of recordings: confirm the performed action, but do not assign the points anymore. Then this would be the downside of using saved games the players have to accept.